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Add & Manage Users

This feature is only available to:

  • Account Administrators - can add and manage all user accounts

  • User Managers - can add and manage Reviewer and Collaborator accounts only

Overview of Adding & Managing Users

Once you've selected a plan and purchased licenses, you can begin to invite and assign users to those seats. When you add a user, they will receive an invitation email from with a link to activate and set up their account.

Each user you add is assigned one of the following roles:

  • Account Admin: A user with a Collaborator-type license, but with enhanced administrator capabilities in the application. This user can access and view all content on the account and manage the account setup & distribution of user licenses for the team.

  • User Manager: A user with a Collaborator-type license, but with enhanced user manager capabilities in the application. These users can add and manage Reviewer and Collaborator accounts.

  • Collaborator: A user with a Collaborator-type license. These users can create, update, and view any roadmaps that they've built or have been shared with them. They can also view and manage Feedback & Ideas within the Product Areas they've been assigned to.

  • Reviewer: A user with a Reviewer-type license. These users have a limited amount of access, where they can view any roadmaps that have been shared with them and can contribute Feedback to the application.

At this time, only users with Account Admin permissions can add other Account Admins or User Managers. To learn more about the permission levels of each role, make sure to review our article on managing user roles & permissions.

As a User Manager or Account Admin, you are able to add users through the Users tab in your Account Settings using one of two methods: manually or by importing them from a CSV file. The Users tab also includes additional lists of User Managers, Collaborators, Reviewers, and Inactive Users, which allows you to see the breakdown of roles and statuses for team members in your account.


Sliding the activity toggle from Active (blue) to Inactive (gray) beside a user's name will automatically place them in the Inactive Users tab, and the user will no longer be able to access the account. In order to re-activate a user, a User Manager or Account Admin must head to the Inactive Users tab and toggle the desired user to an active state.

If you don't see the Users tab in the Account Settings menu, then you don't have the appropriate permissions. To perform user management tasks, you must log in using an account with a User Manager or Account Admin user role (see our article on managing user roles and permissions).

Adding a User Manually


In order to add a single user to your team's account:

  1. Navigate to the Users panel on the Account Settings dashboard

  2. Click the Invite User button in the top-right corner

  3. In the modal that appears, please enter the following details:

    1. Email - The user's email address. Strategic Roadmaps uses this to send the invitation, and it will be the email they log in with when accessing the application.

    2. Role - This will be the type of license and permission level allocated to the invited user. More details on these roles can be found in our article on managing user roles and permissions. Note: User Managers can only assign Reviewer and Collaborator roles. Account Admin permissions are required to create a new Account Admin or User Manager.

    3. First & Last Name - The name of the user being invited to Strategic Roadmaps. Please note that this is optional since invited users can provide their names themselves when setting up their profile after first logging in.

  4. Once the details have been added, you can click on the Invite button on the modal to deliver an invitation to the user via email.

Once this process is completed, you’ll be able to see that user listed under the appropriate list in your Users tab and the user will receive a verification email from titled “Your teammate has invited you to Roadmunk” within 1-3 minutes of this change being initiated. Their setup & verification link can be found inside the email.

Import Users from CSV

In addition to adding users to the account manually, Account Admins can also invite multiple users in a single action by importing them from a CSV file. 


To run a CSV import of users:

  1. In the Users tab, click the Import Users button highlighted above.

  2. In the Import Users modal that appears, click Download Template to Begin.

  3. Open and populate the template with your user data, then save it as a CSV file.

  4. When ready, drag and drop the file into the modal or click to browse and select the file.

  5. The modal will display a summary of how many users will be imported, listed by user role.

  6. Click the Import Users button to finish the import.

Once this process is completed, you’ll be able to see the imported users listed under the appropriate lists in your Users tab and the users will receive a verification email from titled “Your teammate has invited you to Roadmunk” within 1-3 minutes of this change being initiated. Their setup and verification link can be found inside the email.

You can also use the CSV import to update the details of existing users instead of making the changes manually. Any updated users are listed in the import summary under the Updates section.

When importing a CSV, special characters in the CSV file may not be readable by the application depending on the format it was saved in. This means that any records with extra spaces, extended string length, or other types of unrecognized formatting may generate an error prompting you to review the data.  

User Managers can only import data for Reviewer and Collaborator users.

Update a Team Member's Email Address


As a User Manager or Account Admin, you will have the ability to update your teammates’ email addresses as needed from the Users tab in your Account Settings menu. In order to update the email address:

  1. Click into your avatar in the bottom-left corner, navigate to the Account Settings menu

  2. In the menu, select the Users tab to view your active team members

  3. From your user's list, locate the user you would like to update (either in the list or using the search option)

  4. Click into the user email(s) you would like to change and enter the updated email address.

  5. Press the Save button in the top-right corner to persist the changes

Once this process is completed, you’ll receive a confirmation of the email(s) being updated and the user will receive an email from titled “Verification of Email Change” within 1-3 minutes of this change being initiated. The user's email address will not be updated on the system until they've clicked into the update link found inside the dispatched verification email.

Note: You will be able to see a small alert badge beside the user’s name to show that there’s a pending email change for that user profile, which will persist until the user has verified the email change from their new address. You can also view which email the profile has been updated to by hovering over the badge.

Delete Users from Your Strategic Roadmaps Account


Deleting a user is a permanent action and user profiles cannot be restored once deleted. Please refer to the below checklist and proceed with caution when using this administrator function.

Before Deleting a User

  1. Roadmap Ownership: Does this user own any roadmaps? Note that if a user that owns roadmaps gets deleted, all of their roadmaps will change into "no-owner", and only Account Admins will have access to those roadmaps through the All Roadmaps folder.

  2. Integrated Roadmap Ownership: Does this user own any roadmaps integrated into JIRA or ADO? Make sure to re-assign ownership before the deletion.

  3. Product Area Ownership: Does this user own any Product Areas? A Product Area must have at least one owner. If this user owns any Product Areas, make sure to re-assign ownership first!

Steps to Delete a User: 

As a User Manager or Account Admin, you will also have the ability to delete your teammates’ inactive profiles once they’re no longer a part of the organization or team. This can be done from the Inactive Users list, found in the Users tab in your Account Settings menu. In order to delete a user:

  1. Click into your avatar in the bottom-left corner, navigate to the Account Settings menu.

  2. In the menu, select the Users tab to view your active team members.

  3. Click into the Inactive Users list option to view all users who have been deactivated.

  4. From your Inactive Users list, locate the user you would like to update (either in the list or using the search option).

  5. Once you’ve located the user, select the Remove icon (🗑) found on the far-right side of the user list.

  6. You’ll receive a confirmation popup to confirm that you would like to remove this user.

  7. Once you click Delete in that modal, the user will be removed entirely and their roadmaps will be unassigned.

The user will receive no notification of this change and any comments made by or comment mentions of that user will be changed to show that they've been deleted. All roadmaps owned by this user will be retained in the account and can be managed by an Account Administrator and viewed from the All Roadmaps list on your Roadmaps homepage. Should the user be invited back into Strategic Roadmaps under the same email address, roadmaps will need to be manually re-assigned to that user.

User Managers can only delete Reviewer and Collaborator users. To delete a User Manager or Account Admin, you must have Account Admin access.

Add & Manage Users with SSO Enabled

At the current moment, JIT (Just-In-Time) Provisioning is not supported. New users will need to be invited and assigned to the application in both Strategic Roadmaps and your Identity Provider. To accomplish this, here are the steps to follow.

In the Identity Provider Platform

As the SSO Admin:

  1. Log in to your SSO Homepage Admin Console (if applicable) to add users to your IdP (Identity Provider).
    Note: When inviting users, please note that Strategic Roadmaps uses email as the UPN (User Principal Name/Unique User Id).

  2. Once users are added the next step is to assign users to the proper group. To do this, first navigate to the Strategic Roadmaps Application on your IdP platform, and then head to the Assignment/Users & Group Assignment section.

  3. Click "Assignment" or "Assign Users or Groups" to assign desired users or groups to your Strategic Roadmaps Application.

In the Strategic Roadmaps Application

As the Strategic Roadmaps User Manager or Account Admin:

Once you receive confirmation that your users are assigned to the correct group in your IdP, please follow the standard process and invite the users to your Strategic Roadmaps account.

As a newly invited user

Once your team has invited you to Strategic Roadmaps, you will receive an invitation email to join your team:

  1. Navigate to your inbox and find the invite email - “Your teammate has invited you to Roadmunk”, it should look like the image above.

  2. Click the Join your team button.

  3. On the next screen, click Login with SSO, and provide your SAML credentials.

  4. Proceed through the remaining account creation steps.

  5. Once completed, head to Account Settings > Security, and you should see SSO as your only authentication method.

As an existing user 

As an existing user on the account, sometimes you may find that SSO authentication is enabled after you've already had access to the account. Once SSO is set up, the Account Admin can choose to enforce SSO as the only login method moving forward, or alternatively leave it as a login option that you can select if desired.

  • SSO enforced -  If your team has enforced SSO as the only authentication method, you will receive an email titled ‘ACTION REQUIRED: SSO Enabled on your Account“ (Please reference the image below). Please click “Connect SSO” to complete the SSO verification and setup process.

  • SSO not enforced - If you'd like to add SSO as a login method, simply head to Account Settings > Security tab, and click +Login Methods." You can follow the detailed instructions in this article. 

Please Note: To add SSO as an authentication, a Role assignment on the IdP provider side is required. Please check with your Account Admin before adding SSO as one of your authentication methods. 

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