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Filtering Structure by Test Run Status

Structures can be filtered by test run statuses using a special Automation or Transformation filter.

When these filters are applied, only those issues with test statuses matching the ones you choose will be shown in the structure. Parent items will be filtered based on the highest status of their child issues.

Using an Automation Filter

When you filter a structure using Automation, anyone else with access to the structure will also see the filtered results.

To apply an automation filter and show only issues with specific statuses in a selected test run:

  1. In the Structure menu, select Automation | Filter | Test Statuses
    Add a Test Status filter generator

  2. Select the statuses which should be shown and the test run which will be used for filtering. Click Apply.

    Filter automation settings

If you want to filter based on several test runs, several generators should be added.

Using a Filter Transformation

When you filter a structure using Transformations, only you will see the filtered results. Anyone else opening the same structure will see it without the Filter Transformation applied.

To apply an automation filter and show only issues with specific statuses in a selected test run:

  1. Click the Transformation button. On the Transformation bar, select Add transformation | Filter | Test Status.
    Add a Test Status Filter Transformation
  2. Select the statuses which should be shown and the test run which will be used for filtering. Click Apply.
    Filter tranformation settings

To quickly apply/remove such filtering, you can save the Transformation as a Quick Transformation.
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