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Tempo Timesheets 8.2.0

Important reading for JIRA administrators before upgrading to Tempo Timesheets 8.2.0

  • In this version the worklog attribute type that is called Script is removed. When you upgrade to this version, all attributes of this type are removed and are not recoverable.
  • The installation of Tempo Timesheets takes longer than usual because of data migration so you might want to upgrade outside of office hours.
  • We cannot guarantee that you will not lose data if you first upgrade to Timesheets 8.2.x and later downgrade to an earlier version.

Data migration

Numeric work attribute

A new numeric value column is added to the WA_VALUE table.

Numeric work attribute is migrated from a string type column to the new numeric type column.

New Static List work attribute

Any dynamic dropdowns that were used to create work attributes with static lists are migrated to a new attribute type called "Static list".

The table below shows changes to the database.



Work attribute values of type numericNew column NUMERIC_VALUE added. Numeric values previously stored in VALUE column migrated to new column.
AO_013613_WA_SL_VALUE List options for static list work attributes

Example Dynamic dropdown value url from Tempo Timesheets 8.1

  • /rest/tempo-rest/1.0/accounts/json/getDynamicDropdown/|1|2|3|4/Please Select|Red|Yellow|Green|Blue

After migrate in Tempo Timesheets 8.2 options are migrated to the new Static list work attribute type.

  • Key values from |1|2|3|4 migrated to column VALUE
  • Label values from Please Select|Red|Yellow|Green|Blue migrated to column NAME

Periods and Period configuration

Periods are being migrated from the JIRA properties database to new Active Objects tables.

AO_86ED1B_PERIODPeriod keys and statuses (open/closed for Team members or Users with Approve Timesheet permission).
AO_86ED1B_PERIOD_CONFIGConfiguration of start day and month for periods.

How does this affect my JIRA?

This should not affect you unless you downgrade to a previous version after migration tasks are run. Downgrading will result in data loss if you upgrade again later since the migration will not run again.

Feature removal 

This release of Tempo Timesheets removes the work attributes of type Script. That means all attributes of this type are removed and are not recoverable after the upgrade.

Before the upgrade, check whether you are using the script type or not (click Administration cogwheel > Add-ons > TEMPO Work attributes). If you are not using scripts, then removal of this worklog attribute type does not affect your Tempo Timesheets setup.

Removal of this worklog attribute type does not affect dynamic drop-down lists that get information from a REST service.

How does this affect my JIRA?

Functionality introduced on your JIRA by injecting Scripts will stop working as it will be removed.  With the Script attribute, it was possible to inject JavaScript code into Tempo Timesheets for use with the Log Work form. With the JavaScript code, you could link fields on the form with one another or add new functionality. This feature presented some security concerns as the system could accept JavaScript code that could, intentionally or not, corrupt data and open your company's JIRA environment to other risks.  

What do I do?

If you are using the Script attribute type, find an alternative way of injecting scripts, before the upgrade. Atlassian Marketplace offers resource plugins for injecting JavaScript code into JIRA. Our Atlassian Expert Partners also have vast knowledge about JIRA and can provide consulting services.

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