Linked Items Extender
The Linked Items Extender pulls in issues that are linked to issues already in the structure. Linked issues will be placed beneath the current issues in the structure's hierarchy.
When using the Linked Items Extender, some issues may appear in your structure more than once. In the example above, "Task A" appears twice, because it blocks Story 1 and Story 2.
Adding a Linked Items Extender
To add a Linked Items Extender, open the Add menu and select Extend.
Configuring the Generator
Each Linked Items Extender can be customized to create exactly the hierarchy you need.
Runs As
When a generator runs, it runs as the structure owner. This is important because the generator will have access to the same projects, issues, etc. as the user listed here – if they don’t have permission to view an issue, it won’t be added to the structure.
Link Type
Allows you to specify which links to add to your structure.
Link Direction
Defines which side of the link is the parent issue and which is the sub-issue.
Moving items in the structure will update links
If this option is checked, links will be updated as you move issues in your structure:
- Moving a linked issue from beneath one issue to another will sever the original link and create a new link.
- Deleting a linked issue from the structure will sever its link.
- Copying an issue under another issue will create a new link.
You can change up to 100 issues with a single move. If you need to update more than 100 issues, simply move them in chunks of 100 or fewer.
Please be aware that it may take up to several minutes to process all changes if 100 issues are moved at one time.
Extend Levels
Allows you to specify which levels in the hierarchy the extender should be applied to:
- Levels are based on the placement of the generator, where "Level 1" is the level the generator is located on, "Level 2" is the level beneath that, and so on.
- Linked issues will only be added for those issues within the selected range.
Place the generator on
Select where the generator should be placed within the structure hierarchy. This location will be considered "Level 1" when applying the generator (see "Extend Levels" above).
You have three options:
- Current level - The generator will be placed on the currently-selected level.
- Level below - The generator will be placed on the level below the currently-selected item.
- Top level - The generator will be placed at the top of the structure.
If a level is grayed out, it means it is not possible to place the generator on that level.
See Generator Scope to learn more.