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Approving and Rejecting Your Team's Timesheets

Approving team timesheets requires the Approve Timesheet permission for the team. Viewing the contents of team timesheets requires the View Team Worklogs permission for the team.

If the timesheet approval process is enabled, team members must submit their timesheet for approval at the end of the current periodThe selected reviewer receives a notification email of the submission and can then approve or reject the timesheet. As a reviewer, you can click Approve in your Timesheet Approval notification email to open the sender's timesheet and view it before approving or rejecting it. Tempo also lets you review timesheets in the Teams view. 

Once you have either approved or rejected a timesheet, the timesheet owner will be notified via email.

Approving or Rejecting Timesheets in the Teams View

  1. Select Teams :teams_dc: in the Tempo sidebar.

  2. In the Teams view, select the team for which you want to approve or reject timesheets.

  3. Click Approvals at the top-right.

  4. You can approve or reject any timesheets that are Waiting for Approval. 

  • To approve a timesheet for a single team member, click Approve or Reject.

  • To approve or reject timesheets for multiple team members, select the check-boxes for the team members whose timesheets you want to approve or reject, then click Approve or Reject, at the top.

  • To view a team member's timesheet, click

     to the far-right of their name, and then select View Timesheet.

Approving or Rejecting Individual Timesheets in the User Timesheet

  1. Select My Work :my_work_dc:  in the Tempo sidebar.

  2. Click Timesheet at the top-right to display your timesheet.

  3. Click the down arrow next to your name to display an editable field and drop-down.

  4. Type the name of the team member whose timesheet you want to review. 

  5. Click the down arrow on the Submit period button at the top of the user timesheet to display the 3 most recent timesheets, then click Approve or Reject. You can click Load more to view older timesheets. 

  6. To quickly return to your own timesheet view, you can simply click My Work :my_work_dc:  in the sidebar again.


You can also open the team member's timesheet from within the Approval Notification email.

Viewing a Team Member's Approval Log

You can view an Approval Log for the members of your team. The Approval Log shows you the status of the user's timesheet approvals, the reviewer's name, date and time of action, etc. The logs include a timestamp showing when the event happened. Each action in the timesheet approval process triggers a log – one when the timesheet is submitted for approval and another log when the timesheet is approved or rejected. In that manner, the complete approval history is visible to both the approver and team member.

You can access the Approval Log in two ways:

  • On the Approvals tab of the Teams page, see above how to access it. Click to the far right of the user whose Approval Log you want to view.


  • In the user's timesheet, see above how to access it. Click the down arrow on the Submit period button at the top of the user timesheet, then click Load More.

  • As an approver, you can now see the total number of hours to be approved, even if you don't have the 'Browse Project' permission rights for all workload issues.

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