Sample Formulas - Users
Show everyone who worked on the task
ARRAY(reporter, assignee, developer, tester)
Note: developer and tester are custom fields - they will be automatically mapped only if those custom fields exist in your Jira instance.
Show everyone who worked on any task in the subtree
VALUES { ARRAY(reporter, assignee, developer, tester) }
Note: developer and tester are custom fields - they will be automatically mapped only if those custom fields exist in your Jira instance.
Calculate who logged the most work
.MAP(ARRAY($.group, $.elements.timespent.sum()))
Get a detailed description of the tasks users spent time on
First, use an attribute grouper with the formula:
Then, add a formula column:
IF itemType = 'user':
SUM#children {
WITH user = PARENT { item } :
.FILTER($.author = user)