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Team Metrics Table

The Team Metrics table, located to the right of the PCFD, displays key information about each team responsible for the delivery. 

Team Metrics table


The name of the team. Each team that is accountable to the delivery is listed in the metrics table.


The number of issues per week the team is completing on the selected delivery.

A + or - next to the throughput indicates a discrepancy between the team's actual throughput and the planned throughput:

  • In the Planning stage, a "+2" indicates that the team plans to complete 2 additional stories per week than they have historically completed.
  • In the In Development stage, this would be displayed as a "-2" to indicate the team is behind their planned throughput.
See Planning with Structure.Deliver to learn more about planned throughput.


The number of issues that remain to be done for each team. The remaining issues is a combination of issues that are in “todo” and “in progress” statuses, as well as all the issues Structure.Deliver predicts a team will create in the future.


The number of new stories Structure.Deliver predicts will be added to the team’s scope. In the chart above, the Android team has 52 "remaining" stories and 37 "predicted" - this means the team currently has 15 stories in "todo" or "in progress," and Structure.Deliver predicts they will create another 37 stories for this delivery.

The predicted column also indicates the difference between the current number of epics and planned number of epics for the delivery:

  • If, during planning, a team decides their portion of the delivery will require more epics worth of work than are currently in the delivery structure, they can edit the team metrics to reflect this difference. As the team adds epics to the source structure, Structure.Deliver keeps track of how many additional epics it expects to see. (The "+2" for the Android team indicates they will likely add 2 more epics.)
  • If the number of epics in the source structure goes over the number of planned epics, this number will be negative. For example, if a team plans for 5 epics and later ends up having 7 epics in source structure, the epics in the “Predicted” column would be shown as “-2” to indicate that two epics must be removed in order to follow the plan. 

Shows the date each team is predicted to complete its last issue for the delivery.

  • The +/- timeframe after the date indicates the standard deviation for the team. Teams with a lower deviation have more reliable and consistent data, so Structure.Deliver is able to estimate their completion date with greater accuracy.
  • A red date indicates the team is trending beyond the target date. If a grace period was included when setting up the delivery, teams trending beyond the target date but within the grace period will not be shown in red.
  • A green check mark next to the date indicates the team has completed its last issue for the delivery.
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