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User Preferences

Your Jira administrator can configure Time Tracker Lite for Jira Cloud with permissions and settings to help your team work more efficiently. As a team member, you also have several User Preferences to set your timesheet working environment in Jira. User Preferences are accessed from the Configure menu on the Time Tracker Lite Apps page.

  • Reporting Day: Specify which day your week starts for reporting purposes.

  • Weekend Type: Select which days to be specified as the weekend.

  • Use ISO Week: If you want to use ISO 8601 week-numbering and the first day of the week, select Yes. By default, this setting is No.

  • Working Time In Status: Set your working and break times to calculate hours in Time in Status and Resolution Time reports (otherwise, all elapsed time is used).

  • Duration Type: Specify the format to display duration; for example, 1d 2h 30m for Pretty Duration, 1.2d for Days, or 10.5h by default.

  • Maximum Fraction Digits: Specify the number of fraction digits used to display hours.

  • Time Tracking Columns: Select which columns are displayed in the Time Tracking Report and exported to files. Columns are displayed in the order that you select. If nothing is selected, all columns are displayed in the default order.

  • Time Balance Columns: Select which columns are displayed in the Time Balance Report and exported to files. Columns are displayed in the order that you select. If nothing is selected, all columns are displayed in the default order.

  • Time In Status Categories: Select which statuses to include in the Time In Status report. Making a selection allows you to exclude Resolved statuses. If nothing is selected, all statuses are included.

  • Columns For Export: Select the base columns for export in exportData files. If nothing is selected, all are processed. The order is predefined.

  • Duration Type For Export: Select the duration format for exportData files to display time duration.

  • Date Fields: Select the date fields to use for queries, combined with OR in JQL (Created or Updated if nothing is selected for Time Tracking and Time Balance reports).

  • Started Time In Status: Select Yes to use the worklog started time only for the Pivot by Status report and not split time spent between statuses. This setting does not apply to the Time in Status report. By default, this setting is No.

  • In Progress Issues jql: Specify JQL always to show issues in Timesheet in basic self user view and in Time Entry, e.g., 'assignee = currentUser() and status = "In Progress"'.

  • Live Update: Enable the reports to be updated automatically without needing to refresh them.

  • Show Additional Info: Select whether to display numbers and averages next to the main value, e.g., to see the number of times an issue was reopened in the Time In Status report. By default, this setting is No.

  • Show Category Row: Select whether to display an additional row with category totals. By default, this setting is No.

  • New Time Entry: Select whether to display the New Time Entry View, containing issues at the top and worklogs (sorted by Started) at the bottom. By default, this setting is No.

  • Rows per Page: Specify the number of rows per report page. If not set, 50 rows appear by default on report pages.

  • Disable Problem Reporter: Select to turn off reporting for unexpected errors.

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