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Dependency Types Supported by Gantt

Gantt Charts for Structure supports the following dependency types:

Finish to Start

Finish to Start is the most commonly used dependency type. In a Finish to Start dependency, a task's start date is based on when the task it depends on finishes.

Finish to Start Dependency

Task B starts after Task A finishes.

Start to Start

In a Start to Start dependency, a task's start date is based on when the task it depends on starts. 

Start to Start Dependency

Task B starts at the same time Task A starts.

Start to Finish

In a Start to Finish dependency, a task's finish date is based on when the task it depends on starts.

Start to Finish Dependency

Task B finishes before Task A starts.

Finish to Finish

In a Finish to Finish dependency, a task's finish date is based on when the task it depends on finishes.

Finish to Finish Dependency

Task B finishes together with Task A.

The above examples show tasks within a dependency starting or finishing in sync with one another. It is also possible to configure a lead or lag time for these. For example, setting a 1-day lead time for Finish to Start dependencies would cause a task to begin one day before the task it depends on finishes. 
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