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Tempo Apps

Select Apps on the Tempo sidebar to display the Tempo Apps Directory, where you can install other Tempo-supported apps that help you get the most out of Tempo.

Additional Tempo Products

Install other Tempo products directly through the Tempo Apps Directory.

  • Cost Tracker by Tempo is an app that integrates seamlessly with Tempo Timesheets to deliver a complete financial overview. It lets you track project costs and monitor the financial health of any project that you define using a single Jira filter (JQL query).

  • Planner by Tempo is an effective tool that helps you plan time for resources and teams. You can get a clear overview of your staff’s availability and plans in real-time, and this helps you make better decisions for planning efficiently. Tempo Planner is a good partner with Tempo Timesheets: once time is planned, it can be easily logged.

Integrate with these Tempo products. You must install the products first before you can integrate them with your resource and cost management Tempo products.

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