Setting & Changing Your Password
To ensure that your account is remaining as secure as possible, we recommend that you update your password on a regular basis. You change your password at any time in the Security panel in your Account Settings menu.
NOTE: For more information on editing your personal details, changing your email address, and managing email subscriptions and notifications, check out our guide on how to edit your Account Settings.
How to Change your Password

To begin, click on your avatar on the Strategic Roadmaps navigation bar.
In the menu that appears when you click your avatar, select Account Settings.
In the Account Settings window that appears, select Security. The panel that appears will show any active authentication methods, including when they were added and when they were last used to log into your account.
In the Security panel, click the Change Password button for the authentication method you would like to change.
NOTE: Strategic Roadmaps supports multiple login methods. If you have more than one method set up, you'll see them listed, each with its own Change Password button (to add a new login method, see Add a new login method).
In the Manage Password Login dialogue that appears, enter your Current Password, then enter and confirm your New Password. For requirements on password strength, see our Password Strength overview in the Account Setup section.
Click Update to save the changes to your password.
Password updates take effect immediately after clicking the Update button. To ensure that your password was set up correctly and to trigger any changes for your auto-fill or password manager settings, you should log out and log back in with your new password.