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Project Pivot Report and Gadget

The Project Pivot report in Timesheet Reports & Gadgets for Jira Server and Data Center displays a summary of worked hours for a project for a certain period, where columns are project users (resources) and rows are project issues (tasks). Totals are also displayed:

  • per row: total worked for the issue for all users during the specified period.

  • per column: total worked hours by user for the specified period.

Use the numerous filters and configurations options to display variations of the report. For example:

  • Use Group or Role to provide a view for a subset of users.

  • Group By Field additionally aggregates hours by values of the selected field in a separate section.

  • Collapse Field Groups aggregates hours by values of the field selected in the Group by Field option, but across projects.

Once you have set up the report to your desired view, copy or bookmark the URL to be able to quickly return to this report view.

The Project Pivot report is available as a report or gadget. When viewing the gadget, click Details to enter the full report view.

Project Pivot Report

Project Pivot Gadget



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