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Release Notes - March 2024

 Monday, March 4 - Friday, March 8


  • False negative popup "t is null" when creating a portfolio roadmap with specific source conditions

  • “AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500” on attempt to view Collection

  • The header in Timeline view in the vertical direction becomes jumbled

Monday, March 17 - Friday, March 22


  • URL Publish Failure

  • a grey box appearing when publishing/exporting

  • Account fields option is not shown when adding a field in the item card

Monday, March 24 - Friday, March 29


  • Azure DevOps two way sync not syncing changes made in the roadmap

  • 403 forbidden error using WIQL ADO operator even though validation succeeds

  • SSO not working error, waiting for SSO login completion on published roadmaps


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