January 20, 2025 - Iterations
Latest Release | Iterations for Agile Planning
Latest Release | January 20, 2025
Iterations make it possible to group tasks from multiple projects throughout the workspace and prioritize their schedule priority independently from their project location. Set up Iterations to plan tasks by sprint or other time based planning model. They can also be used to manage projects through phases or establish other custom workflows.

Iterations in the left side navigation

Iterations are accessed from the left side navigation. Set columns and filters to customize the view.
+Iteration opens the model to add a new iteration. Drag Iterations up or down to change their priority.
Iterations Edit Panel

Use the control buttons at the top of the Iteration Edit Panel to add tasks to the iteration, clear them from the iteration, or delete the iteration itself. Clearing tasks and deleting an iteration return tasks to their schedule priority position within the project.
Once tasks are added to the iteration, drag them up or down the Iterations view to change their schedule priority.
Add Tasks to Iterations from other views

Use the Schedule Priority button to open the Iterations & ASAP modal. Tasks can be added to iterations through bulk edit and from each task's edit panel. The Iterations icon displays for tasks associated with iterations. Hover over the icon to see the Iteration name.
Iterations & ASAP modal

Selecting an iteration associates the task and immediately updates the schedule. The option to set an ASAP priority override is still available, and the current behavior does not change.
As Prioritized clears the selection (either Iteration or ASAP tag) and the task schedules according to it's project priority position.
Learn more in the Academy.