Syncing Data with Azure DevOps
One-Way vs. Two-Way Azure DevOps Synchronization
One-Way Azure DevOps Synchronization
The One-Way Azure DevOps Sync provides a quick and easy way to import your work items from Azure DevOps into your roadmap. By setting up a Sync schedule, Strategic Roadmaps makes sure that your roadmap is always up to date with the most current Azure DevOps information.
Two-Way Azure DevOps Synchronization
The Two-Way Sync seamlessly ensures that any changes you make in Azure DevOps will be reflected in your roadmap - and vice versa. Updating Azure DevOps fields (eg. Priority, State, Iteration Path, Area Path etc) or Start & End dates is as simple as dragging and dropping items in Strategic Roadmaps
Manual Sync with Azure DevOps
Even if you've set up automatic synchronization with Azure DevOps, there are times when you need to take control. This section will walk you through how to push and synchronize to Azure DevOps manually.
To push newly created items to Azure DevOps, follow these steps:
Open the item card of the item that you wish to create a new issue for in Azure DevOps.
Ensure an Work Item Type has been selected
Click the Azure DevOps button
Select Push to Azure DevOps. Within a few moments, the item card will update with an Azure DevOps ID
Click on the Azure DevOps ID to open your new Azure DevOps issue

If you enable automatic synchronization, this will not push newly added items from Strategic Roadmaps to Azure DevOps. In order to push these newly added items from Strategic Roadmaps to Azure DevOps, you will have to follow the above steps.
To manually synchronize your roadmap with Azure DevOps, follow these steps:
Click on the Integrate button
From the dropdown menu, click Synchronize Now

To manually synchronize a single item with Azure DevOps, follow these steps:
Open the item card of the item that you wish to sync with Azure DevOps
Click the Azure DevOps button
From the drop down menu, select Synchronize Now

To manually sync+push multiple items with Azure DevOps, follow these steps
From your All Data table, select each item you'd like to sync or push to Azure DevOps
Select the Sync+Push button to start
All existing items will be synced and new items will receive a new External ID to show they've been synced

One-way Integration Enforcement and Suspend Roadmap Syncs
This feature is available on the following plans:
Account Admins can easily suspend syncing with Azure Devops and enforce one-way roadmap syncing to maintain data integrity.

How to configure these settings
Navigate to Account settings > Integrations
Select the Azure Devops integration
Toggle to Suspend Roadmap Syncing or Enforce One-way sync
You will then receive a message detailing the change and a list of affected roadmaps in the integration.
All affected roadmap owners, collaborators, and editors will be notified via email.
Update Integration