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Milestones | LP Classic Support

This article applies to LiquidPlanner Classic. To view the documentation for Portfolio Manager (formerly LiquidPlanner New), visit the Portfolio Manager Help Center.

A milestone is a fixed date that doesn’t budge, no matter how work is progressing around it (or not). Think of a milestone as a boulder in a river: the boulder (milestone) stays put as the water (work) flows around it.

A milestone might serve simply as a visual marker on the timeline that doesn’t affect your schedule at all.  Or, if tied to other plan items via dependencies, a milestone can actually play a role in driving your schedule dates.

When considering the use of milestones, remember that they don’t hold effort. In other words, you can’t estimate a milestone.  That means you shouldn’t use a milestone for work that needs to be represented as part of the project’s overall scope (remaining effort), or for work that should pull availability from the milestone owner.  In those cases, it’s better to represent the work as an estimated task with a deadline date on in it.

Milestone with dependency

In the example above, the Testing work won’t start before the Deploy Completed milestone date because there is a dependency set up between the milestone and the Testing sub-folder.  Of course, you could always just put a delay until date on the Testing work, without creating a milestone.  But the milestone with dependency makes it clear why Testing won’t start until that day.  It’s also nice that if you change the fixed milestone date, the start date of the other work will adjust automatically as well.

Adding a Milestone

  1. On the Projects tab, select the destination container (project, sub-folder or package).

  2. Click on the Add Menu and select Milestones (or use the Right Click Menu).

  3. In the Add Milestones window, enter the milestone’s name, assign an owner, and select a milestone date.

  4. To add multiple milestones at one time, click the “New Milestone” link to insert a new row to the form. Up to 50 milestones can be added at a time.

  5. Click Add.

  6. If you didn’t set a date in the previous step, make sure to add the Milestone Date in the milestone’s edit panel.

You can also add milestones from the Timesheets tab by clicking the blue Add button. A milestone added from the Timesheets tab will land in the Inbox with no project association. You can change its location by opening the edit panel.

Add Multiple Owners to a Milestone

Assigning multiple owners to a milestone is helpful when more than one person needs to be aware of the milestone and any updates that are made to it.

  1. Open the milestone’s Edit Panel.

  2. Go to the People section and click Add People.

  3. Check/uncheck boxes to add or remove members.

  4. Click OK.

Milestone Alert

An at-risk alert (red flame) will display on a milestone as soon as the milestone date has passed.

On My Work, an at-risk milestone will not display in your Upcoming Tasks list since the milestone date will have already passed.

Tip! Get a quick look at all project milestones by filtering to Milestones only by creating a custom status filter with the rule item type set to Milestone.


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