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My Profile

My Profile is where you manage your personal information and upload a profile image. It’s located under My Work in the left-side navigation. You can also get there from the My Profile link in the User Menu at the upper right. To see someone else’s profile go to People in the left-side navigation and select them from the list.


Profile settings and preferences

My Profile

Your profile is established based on information entered during account activation. You can change your personal information any time.

Hover over the profile image to add a new photo or remove a photo.

Use the buttons to Change Password or Change Email. When you change your login email, we’ll send a message to your old email address containing a confirmation link to verify the change. The link is valid for 72 hours.

Access Settings
Organization Administrators and Workspace Managers are responsible for managing your access settings. Members can’t edit their own access. Learn about managing users in the Users & Org Admins lesson.

Custom Data
Workspaces using Custom Data for Members will see fields under the profile table.


Date, time and number formatting

Edit these fields to set your schedule preferences. Org Admins can set these fields on your behalf.

Date Format




Time Format

12 hour

24 hour

Number Format



1 234,56

Week Starts on




Week Numbering


United States


If you belong to more than one workspace

User Menu

When you belong to more than one workspace you can switch back and forth between them using the Switch Workspace link in the User Menu.

Your Profile is an Organization setting. Each of the Workspaces you belong to will use the same personal information, date, time, number and week formatting. Changing your email address or password will update login information for all workspaces in your Organization.

Profile photo, Access and Custom Data are Workspace settings that can be different in each Workspace.

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