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Release Notes - November 2020

Monday, November 23 - Friday, November 27

  • Thanks to a bug fix, you now can successfully upload your Ideas through a CSV import.

Monday, November 16 - Friday, November 20

  • A bug that was causing Team Member field headers to not export properly on Timeline views has been fixed. With this update, Team Member field headers will now display the correct usernames as expected.

Monday, November 9 - Friday, November 13

  • When adding an item to a view that’s been filtered by the Team Member field, the field values will successfully show the user's name. 👥 

  • We released an enhancement to our Jira integration so you can now update the status of an issue in Roadmunk! In order to change the status, the two-way sync must be enabled and you must have edit access on the integrated roadmap. 🔥 


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