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Error messages about importing plans

When you try to import plans from a .csv file, one of the following messages might be displayed.


Could not read file

The source file might not be in the correct format.

  • Ensure that the source file is a .csv file.
  • Ensure that the data in the .csv file obeys the format rules that are listed in the procedure Importing plans from a CSV file.
Failed to create member

If the .csv file contains plans for a user who is not a member of the team in Tempo Capacity Planner, the import process should automatically add the user to the team in Tempo Capacity Planner. The error message is displayed if the import process fails to add the user to the team. This problem should not happen.

Report the problem by submitting a request to Tempo Support.

Import failedYou might have been logged out of JIRA before you finished the import procedure.Try logging in to JIRA again.

Import field type not found

This error message should not be displayed.

Report the problem by submitting a request to Tempo Support.

Import for these type of data is unsupported

The source file might not be in the correct format.

  • Ensure that the source file is a .csv file.
  • Ensure that the data in the .csv file obeys the format rules that are listed in the procedure Importing plans from a CSV file.

Import value is not valid

The row in the .csv file contains a value that does not meet the requirements of the value's field.

Ensure that the data in the .csv file obeys the format rules that are listed in the procedure Importing plans from a CSV file.

No fields were mapped

In the 'Import Plans: Map Fields' window, you might not have mapped any fields from the .csv file to Tempo Capacity Planner fields.

Try repeating the import process. In the 'Import Plans: Map Fields' window, ensure that you select the Tempo Capacity Planner fields that match the fields from the .csv file, as explained in the procedure Importing plans from a CSV file.

Team ID could not be determined

This error message should not be displayed.

Report the problem by submitting a request to Tempo Support.

The row is missing one or more columns

The row in the .csv file contains fewer columns (fields) than the number of fields that you mapped in the 'Import Plans: Map Fields' window.

  • Ensure that the number of fields in the .csv file is not less than the number of fields that you map in the 'Import Plans: Map Fields' window.
  • Ensure that commas as field separators are not omitted when a field contains no data. For more information, see the procedure Importing plans from a CSV file.

Unable to convert value

The field in the .csv file contains a value that cannot be converted to the expected format.

Ensure that the data in the .csv file obeys the format rules that are listed in the procedure Importing plans from a CSV file.

Plan item not found

If you import a plan whose plan item ID does not match the ID of any existing plan items, you can associate the plan with a plan item, on the 'Plan details' sidebar.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.