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Automated Emails for Tempo Capacity Planner

Automated emails are set up to alert users about certain events, including reminders, changes, updates, and prompts for actions.

  • Plan approval: If you are a team member, you can select a reviewer for your plan when you create it. Doing this automatically sends an email to the reviewer asking them to approve the plan. See Approving Plans for more information.

  • Plan has been modified: If you modify or move a plan, the reviewer will get an email notification if they are not the same user making the change to the plan. If a plan is moved after it has been approved or rejected, it becomes pending again and a new email notification is sent to the reviewer.

    • Example of team member making changes: If Erica (team member) is making a change to a plan where Catherine is the reviewer, then Catherine will receive an email notification about the change.

    • Example of reviewer making changes: If Catherine (reviewer) is making a change to a plan then she won’t receive an email notification since she is the reviewer of that plan.

  • Plan has been deleted: Deleting a plan triggers an email notification to be sent to the reviewer.

    • Example of team member deleting plan: If Erica (team member) deletes a plan, then Catherine (reviewer) will receive an email notification.

    • Example of reviewer deleting plan: If Catherine (reviewer) deletes a plan, then she will receive an email notification about the deletion.

  • Plan approval request modified or canceled: Changing the reviewer for a plan approval request or canceling the plan approval request triggers an email notification to be sent to the reviewer if they are not the same as the user canceling the request.

    • Example of a change of reviewer: If Erica (team member) sent a plan to Catherine (reviewer) for approval and then changed the plan reviewer from Catherine to Beverly, then only Beverly would receive an email about the new approval request.

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