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Using permissions in Tempo Budgets

Permissions are used to control what tasks users can do in Tempo Budgets for Server.

Global permissions allow users to make changes to Tempo Budgets for Server itself, and also allow a user global access to all folios and portfolios.

Tempo Budgets Super Administrator permissions give the most power to a user. These permissions allow read/write access to all folios and portfolios, and are required for any global administration tasks.

To grant Tempo Budgets Super Administrator permissions...

You can specify one or more users to act as a Tempo Budgets super administrator. Super administrators have full read and write access on all folios and portfolios, including cost rates. They are the only ones who can edit a folio's global settings (except for Global Cost Rates which can be edited by Cost Rates Managers). If no user is specified as a super administrator, Jira administrators are super administrators by default. Note that you may possibly lose edit rights on global settings (including permissions) if you remove yourself from super admin users.

To grant Tempo Budgets Super Administrator permissions, you need to be the Folio Owner or have Tempo Budgets Super Administrator permissions:

  1. Select  on the Tempo sidebar, or select Budgets from the Tempo menu.

  2. From the Manage Portfolios view, click Global Settings at the top-right.

  3. Click Permissions in the sidebar.

  4. In the Super Admins section, select a user to add as super administrator.

Users with the Tempo Budgets Global Cost Rate Tables Administrator permissions can modify all cost rate tables. Tempo Budgets Super Administrators can also do this.

To grant Tempo Budgets Global Cost Rate Administrator permissions...

You can specify one or more users who can view and modify the global User cost rates table. Cost Rates Managers are the only users who can view cost rates for staff members of folios using global user rates, and who can publish folio-local user rates to the central User cost rates table. Tempo Folio Super Administrators are automatically specified as Cost Rates Managers.

To grant Tempo Budgets Global Cost Rates Table Administrator permissions, you must be a Tempo Budgets Super Administrator or a Tempo Administrator:

  1. From the Tempo menu, click Administration.

  2. Under the Tempo Budgets heading in the sidebar, click Global Settings.

  3. Click Permissions in the sidebar.

  4. In the Global Cost Rates Table section, enter the name of the user to add as a Cost Rates Manager.

Beyond global permissions, each folio has it's own set of permissions that control who can view the folio, and who had read/write access to make changes. Tempo Folio Owner permissions are required to make changes to a folio. By default, only a folio owner has read/write access to a folio; all other users have read-only access.

To grant Tempo Folio owner permissions...

By default, only the folio Owner or Budgets Super-Administrator can edit the folio. You can grant edit permissions to specific Administrators who also have access to the folio’s associated Jira filter.

Folio Owners, along with Administrators specified by the Owner, are the only users who can edit the folio and see the wage information it contains. Folio owner permissions are set when the folio is created. You can change the ownership of the folio.

To change the owner of a folio, you need to be the Folio Owner or have Tempo Budgets Super Administrator permissions:

  1. From the Tempo menu, click the folio you want to open. If you don't see the folio you are looking for, click more..., and then find it on the Manage Portfolios page.

  2. Click Folio at top-right, and then click Configure.

  3. On the General page, click the Owner field.

  4. Enter the name of the new owner.

Changing the owner of a folio does not automatically give appropriate rights on the folio's saved filter to the new owner. Therefore, you must make sure to give the proper saved filter rights to the new owner (refer to the Sharing a filter section of the Jira saved filters documentation). Changing the owner also prevents you from making further changes, so if you intend to continue editing the folio, you should consider adding yourself as an Administrator prior to changing the owner.

Tempo Folio Administrator permissions allow uses who are not the Tempo Folio Owner to make changes to a folio.

To grant Tempo Folio administrator permissions...

By default, the Owner of a folio is the only user who has permissions to change its content. You can add other users as administrators to the folio so that they have full read and write access to the folio. 

To add folio administrators to a folio, you need to be the Folio Owner or have Tempo Budgets Super Administrator permissions:

  1. On the Tempo menu, click the folio you want to open. If you don't see the folio you are looking for, click more..., and then find it on the Manage Portfolios page.

  2. Click Folio at top-right, and then click Configure.

  3. Click Permissions in the sidebar.

  4. In the Administrators section, select the user you want to add as an administrator.

  5. Click Add.

It is also possible to specify users as Tempo Budgets Super Administrators. Super administrators will have full read and write access on all folios and portfolios, including cost rates.

Tempo Budgets User permissions allow a user to view content in They do not grant any ability to change the contents of a folio.

To grant Tempo Budgets user permissions...

Tempo Budgets user permissions grant the ability to view all non-restricted folios and portfolios, but not to make changes to any content. To grant Tempo Budgets user permissions:

  1. Click Tempo Administration

  2. Under the Tempo Budgets heading at left, click on Global Settings.

  3. Under Configuration at left, click Permissions.

  4. Under the Tempo Users section, enter the name of the user to add.

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