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The GraphQL playground is a live environment. Queries will reflect up to date information and mutations update data in real time. Please keep this in mind as Roadmunk can't separate accounts into test environments.


Do you currently support REST APIs?

Sadly, no. We offer a GraphQL solution for any API needs. If you're looking to get started, you can view are help article here. If you're new to GraphQL as a whole and would like more information, they've got a fantastic resource here.

Is there a test environment I can use with my API access?

Not at this time. Having API access to a roadmunk instance means you have full access to all data available within the account. For testing, we highly recommend creating test objects within your roadmap environment to use. For example, a roadmap and fields dedicated primarily for use with the API. For any feedback or idea testing, creating a Product Area, feedback and ideas specifically for testing. This ensures any data manipulated won't affect live data.


Can we assign access tokens to specific users?

Tokens are account wide and can't be assigned to a specific user. With that, only account admins have access to create and revoke tokens within Roadmunk. After they've been generated, your admin can provide that token to any user for use within the GraphQL playground or external tool for authentication.


Why are larger fields hidden behind pages within the API?

Where necessary, paging has been implemented in the API to assist with managing large data sets. All paging details/parameters are published in the Playground for their respective queries. You can read more about pagination from the official GraphQL website here.


Is it possible to do multiple mutations at once?

Yes. mutations will run in series (one after the other). For example, if you should you want to delete, create, and update an object, you'd need to ensure it was in this specific order. If you're looking for an example, you can find it under our mutation examples here.

How can we tell which objects have been changed via the API?

Users won't be notified for anything created via the API. However, all changes will be logged through objects that have an activity log (items, fields). An example can be seen below:


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