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Jira Administrator Permissions in Timesheets

Users with the Jira Administrator permission can perform most Jira and Tempo administrative tasks. By default, Jira Administrators have the Tempo Administrator, Tempo Team Administrator, and Tempo Account Administrator permissions.


Global permissions are system-wide and are granted to groups of users. For more information about global permissions, see Managing global permissions.

To grant the Jira Administrator permission to another person, you need to have the Jira Administrator permission yourself.

  1. Click Jira settings :settings_dc:  at the top-right, and then select System.

  2. Under Security in the sidebar at the left, select Global permissions.

  3. In the Add Permission section at the bottom of the page, select the Jira Administrators permission.

  4. In the Group drop-down list, select the group to which you want to grant the permission.

  5. Click Add.

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