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Release Notes - April 2024

Monday, April 1 - Friday, April 5


  • Item Card changes were not saved on Jira-integrated roadmaps

  • using the tab key in a free text field, causing inputted data to disappear in the Item Table view

  • Parent dates are not editable when child dates are cleared

  • Timeline view items disappear as you scroll down the page


Monday, April 8 - Friday, April 12


  • Activity entries don't show when the first page of results from the activity log are rank changes.


Monday, April 15 - Friday, April 19


  • Unable to edit Reach in RICE calculation or

  • Item card URL link opening to the view instead of the item card

  • Activity / Historical data missing on the Item card: Activity tab

  • Sorting the Ideas by score makes the table disappear

  • ADO with a Timezone difference causes the sync date to be 1 day off.

  • Error message while logging in with SSO "Cannot GET/"

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