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Upgrading Tempo Apps to be compatible with Jira 9

Relevant Tempo Apps versions are Tempo versions 16.x

Preparing for upgrade

Please follow Atlassian’s recommended guidelines for upgrading Jira 

Upgrade Actions

Your Tempo apps will be compatible with the new Jira 9 version once you upgrade both Jira and your Tempo apps.

  • Action: While on Jira 8.x platform, upgrade your Tempo apps to the latest compatible version. 

  • Action: We recommend that you disable the Tempo apps and proceed with the Jira upgrade. Once you're on a new version, you can upgrade the apps and enable them back.

    • Disable your Tempo apps.

    • Upgrade Jira to the latest Jira 9 version.

    • Upgrade your Tempo apps to versions 16.x

    • Enable your Tempo apps.

  • The installation of Tempo Timesheets takes longer than usual because of data migration so you might want to upgrade outside of office hours.
  • Please take a look at the Proactive actions before upgrade on Server
  • Please follow Atlassian’s recommended guidelines for upgrading Jira 
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