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Managing Global Formulas

Admin permissions are required to manage global formulas.

Editing or Deleting Global Formulas

To edit or delete a global formula:

  1. Open the Add Column menu

  2. Select Manage

  3. Select the formula in the GLOBAL FIELDS section

  4. Select Edit to update the formula, or Delete field to remove it from the Global Formulas list

Editing or deleting a global formula.gif

Deleting a formula cannot be undone. If the formula is currently open as a column in the structure, you can continue to work with it as a column and resave it if necessary. Otherwise, the formula will be lost.

Renaming Global Formulas

To rename a global formula:

  1. Open the Add Column menu

  2. Select Manage

  3. Select the formula in the GLOBAL FIELDS section

  4. Edit the formula’s name at the top of the menu

Renaming a global formula

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