Table Reports
Table Reports are similar to Grid Views – but they have a distinct advantage because a Table Report can be saved to keep settings, columns and filters intact. There are People, Package, Project, Sub-Folder, Task and Assignment Table Reports. They are available in all Libraries, alongside Dashboards. Table Reports can be downloaded to Excel or shared with other members by copying a link. Access controls ensure they can only be viewed by members who have access to plan items in the report.
1 | Table Reports in all Collections and Libraries |

Table Reports are available in all Collections and Libraries. Access Workspace reports by going to Library in the left-side navigation. Click on a report name in the Library to open an existing report or use the 3-dot menu and choose from the options there. Click the star to Favorite a report and display it in the left side navigation for easy access.
Workspace Library and Portfolio Library have People, Package, Project, Sub-Folder, Task and Assignment Table Reports.
Package Library has People, Project, Sub-Folder, Task and Assignment Table Reports.
Project Library has People, Sub-Folder, Task and Assignment Table Reports.
Use +Reports to create a report.
2 | Table Report |

Each row in a Table Report shows a roll up of hours and work metrics based on the report location.
Once the report is created it’s location scope, filters, columns, and sort order can be customized. Click the Design button to access design mode.
Download the report to Excel for further analysis or use the copy link button to share it with other workspace members.
3 | Customize in Design Mode |

The report’s location is it’s default Scope. A report can be scoped to items within a location, for example, a Collection within the Workspace, a Project within a Package, or a Sub-Folder within a Project.
Filter Settings
Default Filter Settings for Project and Task Status Filters are All Projects and All Tasks. Use the Custom Filter option in the drop down to filter by item properties and custom data fields.
Project Status Filters: All Projects, Active + On Hold, Active, On Hold, Done, Projects at Risk, Custom Filter
Tast Status Filters: All Tasks, Active + On Hold, Active, On Hold, Done, Tasks at Risk, Custom Filter
Use Assigned to filter by Member, Resource, Placeholder or Group. Disconnected Members, Deactivated Resources, and Placeholders appear in red.
Date Range
All Dates shows the current state, with a complete roll up of items within the report or widget scope. When a date range is applied, the filtered state changes to include only those items or people with hours logged or scheduled in the selected time period. Learn more in the lesson about the Date Range Filter.
4 | Columns, metrics, and rollups |

Report and List Widget columns fall into categories: Counts, Work Metrics, Custom Data, Dates, Reference, Date Range and Utilization. Columns are “Filter Aware,” to ensure that totals and counts adjust based on the filters applied. Some metrics are displayed as a rollup from aggregated data (such as hours logged or remaining) while others are directly associated with items or people defined in the report.
Columns associated directly with the item:
Location, File Count, Created by, Created on, Description, LP ID, Updated at, Updated by
Target Dates and Target Date Deltas
Benchmark Estimate, Work Limit and Work Limit Delta
Metrics that roll up from aggregated data include:
% Complete, Item Counts, Calculated Dates, Work Metrics
Most columns in a People Table relate directly to the Member, Resource or Placeholder.
5 | Total Row |

The Total Row makes it easy to view a summary of your data and saves the effort of creating downloads that have to be manipulated and shared outside the workspace. To show totals in your report, use the Design button to access the Report Design view and check the box to Show Totals.
The Total Row adds up counts, hours, numeric and currency fields, displaying totals for each column at the bottom of the report. Percentage totals are calculated (not summed).
Numeric and Currency Custom Data fields have a setting that controls whether or not totals are calculated in reports and list widgets. Workspace Managers and Org Admins can turn totals on for these data fields by going to Custom Data Fields under Administration in the left-side navigation.
When the total row is shown helper text at the top of the report shows the number of rows being displayed. The display limit for a report is 300 rows. Totals are calculated from all report rows, including those that are beyond the display limit. Download the report to view all rows.