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Permissions and Sharing

User Permissions

Currently there are no dedicated permission settings in Gantt Charts. The chart has the same permission settings as the structure it is based on.

  • Users with View access level can only view the Gantt chart.
  • Users with Edit access level can work with the task bars in the chart and make changes.
  • Users with the Structure Control access level can change the Gantt Chart settings and manage Gantt configurations.

All standard Jira permissions are applied – you need Edit Issues permission to change fields, create links, and so on.

Sharing Configurations

Gantt Chart configurations have their own permissions logic. By default, the configurations you create are not shared with anyone else, so they are not visible in the available configurations list for other users. If you use a non-shared configuration to build a chart for a shared structure, other users will still be able to work with the chart (based on the structure permissions), but will not be able to see this configuration.

To share a configuration, check the Shared configuration box under the Gantt configuration General settings.

Once shared:

  • The configuration will be visible to all users in the read-only mode.
  • If there is no owner specified, any user will be able to edit the configuration.
  • If you want to delete a configuration that is used in at least one chart, you will need to select another configuration to be used in its place. See Deleting Gantt Configurations for more details.

Jira admins can see and edit all configurations.

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