Selecting Multiple Items
To move or edit more than one item at a time, click the small squares at the left of each item's row. (Hint: the square is only visible when the item is selected or you hover over the item.)

Once you've selected your items, you can:
Move focus from one selected item to another by clicking the up and down arrows
Bulk edit the selected items
Show only selected items and their parents by clicking the Filter button
Remove all selections by clicking the close button in the right corner of the panel
Changing Multiple Items
The following actions work with the multi-selection:
Drag and drop lets you move a selection of items within a structure or between two structures
Cut and paste allows you to move items within a structure and between different structures
The Delete button or Delete key lets you remove multiple items from the structure
Toolbar buttons Move Up, Move Down, Indent, and Outdent are only allowed for multiple items if all items in the selection are at the same level in the hierarchy and have the same parent item
Bulk edit will open the Jira bulk operation wizard
Exiting Multi-Select Mode
To exit multi-select mode (and deselect all items), press the x button at the far right of the selection panel or press the Escape key.
You can also press Ctrl+A (Command+A) twice – the first key stroke will select all items, the second one will deselect all items.