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Tempo Help

Tempo Help is a collection of resources for user assistance and feedback.

Click the Tempo Help icon in the Tempo sidebar to open a panel of help resources to select from.


Use the Need Some Help ? links to easily direct you to the following pages:

  • News and Important Info: The Tempo Updates page contains the latest features and important technical updates.

  • Tempo Help Centre: This launches the Help Center that includes all technical documentation on how to use the Tempo products.

  • Tempo Status: The Tempo Status page is updated with real-time technical and overall perfomance issues.

  • Provide Feedback: This directs you to the Tempo Feedback page where you can let us know how we're doing or what you think about Tempo's Cloud products.

  • Contact Us: This directs you to the Contact Us page where you can contact either Customer Support for assistance or Tempo Sales for a demo of Tempo products.

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