Viewing the Time and Expenses Report
Viewing the time and expenses report requires the Account Lead role, the Tempo Account Administrator permission or the View Customer Reports permission.
The time and expenses report shows hours and expenses that are logged to the account for any month, sorted by issue. The report includes calculated revenue, based on logged hours and on the rates that are defined in the price table that is used by the account.
Select Accounts :accounts_dc: in the Tempo sidebar.
On the Accounts page, select the relevant account.
Select Time and Expenses at the top-right.
Users with multiple roles
A user who is a member of multiple teams might have different roles in each team and therefore different price rates. By default, work on an issue is charged at the user's highest rate. You can set work to be charged at the user's rate for a particular team by selecting that team in the Team field of the issue.
Time-and-expenses report - click to enlarge

Displaying Billed or Worked Hours
You can configure Tempo Timesheets so that users can specify billed hours when they log work. Billed hours are hours that are billed to customers. The time-and-expenses report then displays the billed hours by default.

The list of billed hours can be exported and printed. You can display all logged hours by clicking Worked Hours.
Exporting a Report as a .pdf File or .xls File
You can export the time-and-expenses report as a .pdf file or a .xls file:
At the top-right of the report, click Export.
From the list, select Print (for a .pdf file) or Export to Excel (for a .xls file).

The .pdf file is a printout of the report. The .xls file contains the following sheets:
A Time and Expenses spreadsheet, which includes hours and expenses
A Time spreadsheet, which includes only logged hours
An Expenses spreadsheet, which includes only expenses
The Time spreadsheet contains all logged hours and the following details:
Customer (key, name)
Project (key, name)
Account (key, name)
Issue key (key)
Issue summary (summary)
Date (Atlassian date format, and breakdown into day, month, and year)
Full name
The Expenses spreadsheet contains all logged expenses and the following details:
Customer (key, name)
Project (key, name)
Account (key, name)
Issue key (key)
Issue summary (summary)
Date (Atlassian date format, and breakdown into day, month, and year)
Full name
Expense category
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