Date & Field Mapping with Jira
This feature is only available to Collaborators, User Managers, and Account Administrators.
Mapping Dates
If you use Custom Date or Date/Time Fields in Jira, you can map them to Start and End Dates in Strategic Roadmaps. Strategic Roadmaps uses two date fields, Start Date and End Date, when visualizing in Timeline view. The Swimlane View uses the End Date value to plot items in their time-based buckets. You are able to display additional Date Fields as read-only fields in your roadmap.
In order to map a field through our Jira integration, it must be on the “Create Issue” screen on the synced project.
Syncing Jira Fields
To ensure your Jira data is properly configured with Strategic Roadmaps, here's a list of Jira fields/field types that are supported with the Jira for Strategic Roadmaps integration:
Affects Version/s
Cascade Select List (will be displayed as a single field value)
Date of First Response*
Date Picker
Date Time Picker
Domain of Assignee*
Domain of Reporter*
Due Date
Epic Link
Epic Name
Epic Status*
Fix Version/s
Global Rank*
Group Picker (multiple groups)*
Group Picker (single group)*
Issue Type
Last commented by a User Flag*
Last public comment date*
Number Field
Number of attachments*
Number of comments*
Participants of an issue*
Project Picker (single project)
Radio Buttons
Select List (multiple choices)
Select List (single choice)
Text Field (multi-line)
Text Field (single line)
URL Field
User Picker (single user)
Username of last updater or commenter*
Version Picker (multiple versions)*
Version Picker (single version)
*Indicates a Read-Only field.
Strategic Roadmaps can only pull in standard fields from Jira. Because it is a plug-in, data from Portfolio for Jira cannot be configured with Strategic Roadmaps.
Details on Date Fields
Specifying Start and End Date mapping is optional, but if selected would automatically map to Strategic Roadmaps
Once date mapping is selected, it cannot be modified
Any additional Date fields that are selected under "Dates to Display" will be pulled in as read-only fields
For a two-way synced roadmap: If you add a date to an item in the Strategic Roadmaps table view, upon syncing this back to the Jira project the time stamp will default to midnight
When using a Date/Time field in your Start/End date mapping, only the date itself (and not the time) can be changed in Strategic Roadmaps