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Permissions and Roles for Tempo Projects

Tempo Projects, like all Tempo products, rely on a combination of Jira permissions and Tempo-specific roles. The Jira permissions are granted through specific Jira global permissions and the permissions you need to work in Jira projects. The Tempo roles are granted per project, though the Jira global permissions can impact the role being granted.

If you have used Tempo Financial Manager before, you may want to review the global permissions granted to your users. Previously, users needed the Tempo Financial Manager Access permission to access Financial Manager. That permission has been renamed to Tempo Project Manager, which allows users to create and manage their own projects. This permission also doesn’t allow users to modify global project settings.

If you want to provide limited access to Financial Manager, consider granting the Tempo Project Viewer permission instead. Users with this permission can’t edit projects but can review project time.

If you want a user to be able to modify global project settings, such as project defaults, consider granting them the Tempo Project Administrator permission.

Jira Global Permissions

Only a Jira Administrator can grant global permissions. There are three global permissions that relate to Tempo Projects:

  • Tempo Project Administrator - This permission grants full edit access to all projects, portfolios, reports, and global project settings. A Tempo Administrator must have this permission to make changes to global project settings. Only users with this permission can enable Project Time Approval for your organization. By default, this is granted to the jira-admins group.

  • Tempo Project Manager - Currently by default, this is granted to the jira-admins group and anyone who was previously granted the Financial Manager Access permission.

  • Tempo Project Viewer - A permission set that is heavily restricted for team members who collaborate on projects, but shouldn’t be able to edit projects. Users can’t view team member information, such as team member roles and rates, or worklogs.


Tempo Project

Tempo Project

Tempo Project

View projects




Create Projects



Edit projects

any project

own project *

Share projects

any project

own project *

Delete Projects

any project

own project *

Modify Global Settings


Project Defaults


Project Attributes


Project Features


Enable Project Time Approval per project


Approve/Reject Project Time




* When granted the Editor role in a project, Tempo Project Managers can edit projects that other team members own.

Legacy Permissions

If you installed Financial Manager before the Tempo Project Administrator permission was introduced, here’s what’s changed.

Existing users

  • Existing users with Tempo project access are granted the Tempo Project Manager permission by default.

  • Jira administrators are granted the Tempo Project Administrator and Tempo Project Manager permissions by default.

  • Tempo Administrators require the Tempo Project Administrator permission to access to Settings > Tempo Projects.

New users

  • Jira administrators are granted the Tempo Project Administrator and Tempo Project Manager permissions by default.

  • To enable access to Financial Manager, Administrators must grant Tempo Project Manager and Tempo Project Viewer permission to the correct groups.

Tempo Project Roles

Users can have different roles in each project, and these roles allow users different access levels to the project.

  • Project Owner Role - generally the person who created the project and has full control of it. This is the only person who can change the project scope or delete the project. Only one person can be a project owner, but you can transfer ownership to another person.

  • Editor Role - a team member who can modify the project. They can configure scope settings, share the project with others, update project rates, and view individual contributors. You can have multiple editors.

  • Viewer Role - a team member with limited capabilities to the project. They can’t modify the project in any way, can’t group tasks, and can’t view team member information. However, you can add a Viewer as a project time approver.

Project Owner Role

Editor Role

Viewer Role

Project Manager

  • Edit

  • View

  • Approve/reject project time

  • Edit

  • View

  • Approve/reject project time *

  • View

  • Approve/reject project time *

Project Viewer



  • View

  • Approve/reject project time *

* Team members with these roles can only approve or reject project time when they are added to the project as project time approvers.

Tempo Project Visibility

The Tempo Project Viewer permission grants users the ability to view projects that they can access. Depending on the projects' sharing settings, a project can be visible to all users or restricted to a specific set.

A person with the Tempo Project Viewer permission can view the projects that are visible to all and any project that they have specifically been granted the Viewer role.

A project with access set to Users with Tempo Projects Access is visible to all users who can view Financial Manager.

For more information, view Sharing Financial Manager Projects.

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