Supported Fields in the Azure DevOps Integration
While our Azure DevOps (ADO) integration provides users with a seamless data transfer between Strategic Roadmaps and Azure DevOps, users are also able to pull a number of the fields that they use in ADO into Strategic Roadmaps - allowing teams delivering from ADO to further define and contextualize their data in their roadmap visualizations.
Available Fields & Field Types
Including a number of available default fields, users are able to pull the following field types into Strategic Roadmaps:
Date - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Standard Date Field (please see "Details on Date Fields" below for full details)
Decimal - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Identity - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Integer - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Picklist (String) - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Text (Single Line) - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Free-form Text Field
Users working with a default setup of ADO will notice the following fields are available to choose from during their setup:
Activity - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Application Type - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Area ID - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Area Path - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Associated Context - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Associated Context Code - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Associated Context Owner - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Free-form Text Field
Associated Context Type - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Attached File Count - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Automated Test Id - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Automated Test Name - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Free-form Text Field
Automated Test Storage - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Free-form Text Field
Automated Test Type - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Automation status - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Board Column - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Board Lane - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Closed Status - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Closed Status Code - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Closing Comment - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Free-form Text Field
Comment Count - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Completed Work - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Description* - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps under the Description field
Effort - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
External Link Count - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Hyperlink Count - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
ID - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Integration Build - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Free-form Text Field
Issue - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Iteration Path - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Iteration ID - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Node Name - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Free-form Text Field
Parent ID - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a read-only Field
Priority - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Rating - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Free-form Text Field
Reason - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Related Link Count - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Remaining Work - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Remote Link Count - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Rev - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Stack Rank - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
State - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
State Code - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Tags - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Multi-Select List Field
Team Project - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Free-form Text Field
Test Suite Type - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
Test Suite Type Id - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Title* - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps under the Item Name field
Watermark - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Numeric Field (General)
Work Item ID* - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps under the External ID field
Work Item Type* - Pulled into Strategic Roadmaps as a Single Select List Field
*This field is a default field and will be pulled automatically.
**There may be more default fields visible since custom Azure DevOps fields can be created with the 'required' flag turned on.
Unavailable Fields & Field Types
There are a number of default fields which are currently not pulled from ADO, along with a number of field types that we're targeting for future phases of this Integration. At this time, the following field types are not pulled into Strategic Roadmaps:
Parent Title
Picklist (Integer)
Text (Multiple Lines)
If there are fields not listed above that you are looking to have included in a future phase of the Azure DevOps Integration, please feel free to provide feedback to our support team.
Details on Date Fields
Specifying Start and End Date mapping is optional, but if selected would automatically map to Strategic Roadmaps
Once date mapping is selected, it cannot be modified
Read-only date fields are not able to be used in Start and End Date mapping
These include Authorized Date, Created Date, Changed Date, and Revised Date
Due to a variance in field formatting between Strategic Roadmaps and Azure DevOps, any additional Date fields that are selected under "Dates to Display" will be pulled in as read-only text fields
For a two-way synced roadmap: If you add a date to an item in the Strategic Roadmaps table view, upon syncing this back to the AzureDevOps project the time stamp will default to midnight