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Release Notes - April 2021

Monday April 26 - Friday April 30


  • We released a quick fix to assist with inviting new users and exporting roadmaps. Now both of these actions can be completed without any hiccups! 


  • Thanks to a navigation enhancement, clicking the Roadmaps module button on the left menu directs you to the main roadmapping homepage. 🏡

Monday April 19 - Friday April 23


  • To make onboarding as smooth as possible, fix has gone out to prevent newly invited users from getting an unwanted permissions error while trying to complete their profile page.

  • Our support team was made aware of a sudden login issue on Thursday morning, which was quickly investigated and resolved shortly after.

Monday April 12 - Friday April 16


  • Product Areas not loading? Thanks to a quick fix, both active and inactive Product Areas will now appear.

Monday March 29 - Friday April 1


  • Thanks to a bug fix, the field value drop down arrows on the item card are now dynamic. 🔽

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