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Release Notes - May 2021

Tuesday May 25 - Friday May 28


  • Thanks to a bug fix, the default order of roadmap Headers will now be defined by the order of the Field Values in the Field Card.

  • Trying to add new OAuth credentials for a Jira integrated roadmap? We released a fix so this action no longer fails and users can setup these credentials without a hitch.


  • Hovering over Headers within both Swimlane and Timeline views will now trigger a tooltip that displays the full Header text. 

Monday May 10 - Friday May 14


  • Did someone say faster and more reliable Jira sync times? We've been hard at work rolling out a number of improvements which has resulted in a significant decrease in Jira timeout rates! ⚡️

Monday May 3 - Friday May 7


  • We fixed a bug that was causing an Account Field permission error when exporting a roadmap. Exporting is now successful, but please note that Account Field cleanup efforts are ongoing.

  • Unresponsive Jira icon in an integrated roadmap? The Jira button should now be dynamic and display a menu of options for configuring and syncing your Jira integration.

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