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Moving Worklogs in Bulk

To move worklogs in bulk, you require these permissions:

You can move multiple worklogs at once (in bulk) from one or more Jira issue keys to another Jira issue with a maximum of 1000 worklogs at once. These worklogs can be from one or more users.

Watch our video: How to Move Worklogs in Bulk

Move Multiple Worklogs in Bulk

  1. Open the Bulk Worklog Editor from the Logged Time report, the Team Timesheet, or the Account Timesheet.

  2. After selecting Bulk Edit, you can view the worklogs displayed as a list with description, date, hours logged, issue and the user.

    You can select or deselect a single or multiple worklogs using its checkbox. By default, all the worklogs are selected. To deselect all of them, click the checkbox in the header.


  3. From the Select Bulk Action dropdown, select Move.

  4. In the From column, the Jira issues that have the worklogs you want to move are listed.

    In the To column, choose the Jira issue to which you want to move the worklogs. You can select the issue from the list or search by typing in the field. Click Move Worklogs.

    The total number of worklogs and hours is added to the existing worklogs on that Jira issue.


  5. A confirmation message appears to confirm the moving of worklogs since this process cannot be undone. Click Move to proceed.

  6. A success message is displayed after the worklogs are moved, or an error message is displayed if the operation fails with the individual attributes. Click Acknowledge to return to the Bulk Worklog Editor.

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