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Grouping and Sorting Data in Reports

To get the most out of your Tempo reports, you can apply various tools to sort the data. This includes applying filters, organizing the filtered information into groups, sorting the data by columns, and adding columns to show Jira fields and work attributes.

Tempo remembers all your view settings and preferences between sessions. 

Before You Begin

  • Viewing worklogs for your team members in Tempo Reports requires the View Worklogs and Browse Projects permissions. To see worklogs for other users in a project, you need to have the View All Worklogs permission.

  • To report on planned time, you must have installed Tempo Planner. Viewing plans requires the View Plans permission.

  • You can view the worklog data from inactive or deleted Jira users in a report - see Inactive or Deleted Jira Users and Tempo Timesheets for more information.

  • You can group by some Jira Service Management fields. They are included in Custom Fields when grouping data but do not impact the raw data export. However, if you have added a Jira Service Management field to your custom fields in Tempo Settings, they can be part of the raw data export.

Navigate to Reports

Select Reports in the Tempo sidebar to create a report or open a saved report.


Grouping Data

Grouping data in your reports helps you to structure your information. The groups are displayed in the report according to the Jira hierarchy. While grouping time records is usually straightforward, there are some groups where a time record can be assigned to multiple ones, complicating the grouping process.

How Tempo Assigns Time Records

We assign time record data depending on the field type to avoid duplicate data in reports. If you use the Tempo Team custom field on an issue, Tempo prioritizes the Tempo Team assigned to the issue when grouping time records, worklogs, or plans in Logged and Planned Time Reports.

Tempo Team-related fields without assigning a Tempo Team to a Jira issue

We use the team that a team member has most recently joined for the following fields:

  • Team

  • Team Lead

  • Role

  • Program

  • Program Manager

For example, when a team member is part of multiple teams, Tempo assigns the time record to the team the team that the member joined most recently.

The Team Lead, Program, and Program Manager are then derived from the latest team association.

Tempo Team-related fields when assigning a Tempo Team to a Jira issue

If you add the Tempo Team to the Jira issue view as a custom field, we use that team assignment when assigning the time record data. This prioritization only applies when:

  • The user is part of the selected Tempo team.

  • The team member is active in the Tempo team.

For example, when a team member is part of multiple teams, Tempo assigns the time record data to the Tempo Team from the Jira issue.

However, if the team member is not a member of the Tempo Team assigned to the Jira issue AND has worked on the issue, the time record is assigned to the last team the team member joined.

Multi-value options in issue-related fields

We select the first value provided by the Jira API for fields related to issue attributes that support multiple values and multi-value custom fields.

These fields include:

  • Component

  • Fix Version

  • Sprint

  • Labels

  • Organization (Jira Service Management)

  • Multi-value custom field types:

    • Select list (multiple choices)

    • Checkbox

Group Data

  1. Click the Group by box to display a list of possible choices. Select all the groups you want to add. 

    Expanded Group By options with Project and User selected, a search field, and list of fields you can group by.
  2. To remove a grouping level, click Group by, and then click x to the right of the group level.

  3. Click Apply to group the data in your reports.

To simplify the report view, reports containing multiple grouping levels do not display "empty" hierarchy levels.

The following example shows a report grouped by Epic/Issue/Sub-task/Worklog. No epic hierarchy level is shown for Issue PRO-11 since it isn’t linked to an epic. Also, there is no hierarchy level for Sub-tasks because the issues do not have any. This makes the report look tidier and easier to read.

When you group by Epic and then Issue, a No Issue item displays. This item collates any time spent on the parent issue, including no time spent.


You can group by Initiative or other parent issues beyond Epic (issue type hierarchy levels 1 and above) configured in your Jira instance. We support Jira Premium issue hierarchy levels and custom hierarchy naming in non-Jira Premium editions. These options are available in Logged and Planned Time Reports under Jira Fields.

In Planned Time reports, plans submitted for approval are labeled with a colored dot to indicate their approval status. A green dot means that they have been approved, yellow that they are in review, and red indicates a rejected plan. You can hover the mouse pointer over the dot to get approval details.

Below is an overview of the various fields that you can use to group data and organize your report results:

Group by

What it does

Available report or timesheet


Groups data by Tempo accounts

Account Category

Groups data by Tempo account category

Account Contact

Groups data by Tempo account contact

Account Lead

Groups data by the Tempo account's account lead

Account Status

Groups data by Tempo account status


Groups data by the assignee

Category Type

Groups data by Tempo account category type


Groups data by Jira components

Custom Fields (single value)

Groups data by one of the following custom field types:

  • Text Field

  • Select (single value)

  • Radio Buttons

  • Date Picker

  • User Picker

  • Group Picker

  • Float

Custom Fields (multiple value)

Groups data by the first value returned in one of the following custom field types:

  • Select list (multiple choices)

  • Checkbox


Groups data by Customer


Groups data by Jira epics

Fix version

Groups data by the Jira fix version


Groups data by Jira issues

Issue Type

Groups data by Jira issue type


Groups data by Jira label and the following additional fields:

  • Reporter

  • Assignee

  • Priority

  • Status

  • Sprint


Groups by the Jira Service Management Organizations field. This field is found in the Custom Fields.


Groups data by plans


Groups data by priority


Groups data by Jira projects

Program Manager

Groups data by program manager


Groups data by Tempo Program


Groups data by who reported the issue

Request Type

Groups by the Jira Service Management Request Type field. This field is found in the Custom Fields.


Groups data by Tempo team role


Groups data by sprint


Groups data by issue status


Groups data by Jira sub-tasks


Groups data by Tempo teams

Team Lead

Groups data by Tempo team lead


Groups data by Jira user

Work Attributes

Groups data by any work attribute type, such as:

  • Static List

  • Input Field (free text)

  • Input Numeric (numbers only)

  • Checkbox


Groups data by worklogs (time records)

Sorting Data

Sorting by alphabetical or numerical order allows you to organize and display your report's data differently. You can sort a report by the data in a particular column by clicking that column’s heading. This then sorts data according to that column’s ascending or descending order: the text is sorted from A to Z, numerical data is sorted from highest to lowest, and time/date data is sorted from earliest to latest.

  • Up and down arrows next to a column name indicate that data is being sorted by that column.

  • To reverse the sort order, click the column heading again.

  • In a report with multiple grouping levels, data is grouped by the top-level group. For example, the report above shows the most number of planned hours at the top sorted by user.

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