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Adding Team Roles

Adding and editing team roles requires the Tempo Team Administrator permission.

A role describes the job done by a member of a Tempo Team or, for our Cost Tracker product, an individual working on your Cost Tracker project. By default, all team members are assigned the Member role, but you can assign roles such as DeveloperProduct OwnerScrum MasterUX Designer, etc., to individual team members as needed. 

To give you the flexibility you need, Tempo allows you to create new team roles and edit existing ones, as well as decide which role should be the default.

To add a team role:

  1. Select Settings in the Tempo sidebar.

  2. Under Teams in the sidebar, select Team Roles.

  3. In the Name box, enter a name for the new team role.

  4. Click Add.

  • The default team role is flagged. You can click Set Default to select any role as the default. 

  • To remove a role that is no longer needed, click Delete beside the role name. All team members who were assigned to this role will be assigned to the Default team role instead.

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