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Working & Sharing with Teams

This feature is only available to Account Administrators.

As the number of users on your account grows over time, it can become harder to effectively manage onboarding, sharing, and collaboration with new users. This is why we recommend that Account Admins setup Teams in Roadmunk when preparing for expansion or handling an already large account. With our Teams feature, account admins can easily curate user groups which help them to better manage their users, provide quick access to multiple team roadmaps, and control roadmap permissions for entire teams in a single action.

Creating New Teams in Roadmunk

In order to share roadmaps with users via Teams, Account Admins will first have to create a team using the following steps:

  1. As an Account Admin, navigate to the Teams tab in your Account Settings menu.

  2. In the top corner of the Teams menu, select the Add Team button to create a new team.

  3. Teams use the following three identifiers to help other users identify them when sharing and working with Teams in their roadmaps:

    • Team Name (Required)

    • Team Avatar (Optional)

    • Team Description (Optional)

  4. Once you've successfully populated these details, click Next to save the team details.

  5. In the next setup window that appears, you can add team members via the provided user search bar. Added team members will automatically saved to the team.

Once the team members have been added successfully, you can click Return to Teams to view and navigate the full teams list once more.

Adding & Removing Users to Teams in Roadmunk

After a team has been created, Account Admins can quickly and easily add team members to any team using the following steps:

  1. From the Teams tab, click into the team you would like to add users to.

  2. To add a user to the team, use the Add Team Members search bar to locate the user.

  3. Once located, click on their name in the results to add them to the team.

Removing users from teams is just as simple. Account Admins can remove any team member from an existing team using the following steps:

  1. From the Teams tab, click into the team you would like to add users to.

  2. In the Team Member list, scroll to locate the member you would like to remove.

  3. Once located, click the grey Remove button on the far right of the list.

  4. A small warning dialog should appear after clicking this button. Click the Remove button in the dialog to finalize the removal from the team.

These actions are limited to Administrators, which means that Collaborators and Reviewers will not be able to make these updates on their team's behalf at this time. Please keep in mind that users who have been removed from the team can be added back with their previous permissions by simply following the steps above to add a team member. This change does not delete the user's profile or impact any of their roadmaps which they own or have been granted individual access to, only those which they are granted access to as a member of a team.

Import Teams to Roadmunk from CSV

Teams can be added and updated in bulk by import through CSV file upload. The CSV file should have the following columns

team_name - the name of the team to be created or have users added to

member_emails - the users to be added to the team, in space separated format. ex.

Each team should be set up on a single row instead of set up across multiple rows. To add members to a team, they must already be added to the account. If they are not yet on the account, first Import Users from CSV as described in Add & Manage Users in Roadmunk.

Updating Existing Teams in Roadmunk

After teams have been created, Account Admins are able to make changes as needed to the crucial details/identifiers of the team in a few easy steps. In order to access the editor for teams, users can follow one of two pathways/methods:

Method #1:

  1. From the Teams tab, hover over the team you would like to edit.

  2. Click on the checkbox which appears the far-left side of the menu while hovering.

  3. In the options that appear at the top of the page, select Edit Team.

Method #2:

  1. From the Teams tab, click into the team to view the team details page.

  2. In the team details page, click on the vertical ellipsis beside the Return to Teams button.

  3. From the provided options which appear in the menu, select Edit Team.

From this menu, Account Admins will be able to update all details of the team, including the Team Name, Team Avatar, and Team Description. These actions are limited to Administrators, which means that Collaborators and Reviewers will not be able to make these updates on their team's behalf at this time.

Removing Teams in Roadmunk

Should certain teams become unnecessary or need to be removed, Account Admins are able to quickly remove a team (or multiple teams) by following one of two pathways, depending on which action they're looking to complete:

Method #1 (Single or Multiple Teams):

  1. From the Teams tab, hover over the team you would like to edit.

  2. Click on the checkbox which appears the far-left side of the menu while hovering.

    • When using this method, users can select one or more teams to remove.

  3. In the options that appear at the top of the page, select Remove Team.

  4. A small warning dialog should appear after clicking this button. Click the Remove button in the dialog to finalize the removal from the team.

Method #2 (Single Team):

  1. From the Teams tab, click into the team to view the team details page.

  2. In the team details page, click on the vertical ellipsis beside the Return to Teams button.

  3. From the provided options which appear in the menu, select Remove Team.

  4. A small warning dialog should appear after clicking this button. Click the Remove button in the dialog to finalize the removal from the team.

This action is irreversible and teams which are removed cannot be recovered once removed. While teams can be re-added following the steps found in the Creating New Teams in Roadmunk section above, you will need to manually reassign all relevant roadmaps to a team should it be removed and recreated later.

Sharing with Teams in Roadmaps

Once you've finished setting up your Teams, you can begin sharing any team-relevant roadmaps with them using the following steps:

  1. From the roadmap that you're looking to share, click into the Sharing Settings menu (plus icon) in the top right corner.

  2. In the Sharing Settings modal that appears, enter the name of the team(s) you would like to share the roadmap with into the search box provided.

  3. When selected, the added team(s) will populate in the bottom portion of the window under the new Teams section of the Users and Teams with Access list.

  4. Similar to sharing roadmaps with users, roadmap owners and administrators can adjust team permissions by clicking into the dropdown on the immediate right of the team and applying either Edit or View Only permissions for that entire team.

Once permissions have been applied, you can press Save to commit those changes and provide access to the users on the added teams . For users who have been added separately, the roadmap will use the highest level of permission granted to them. For example, if User A has been given Edit permissions, but their team has been given View Only permissions, User A will retain Edit permissions on the roadmap while the rest of the team has View Only permissions, as granted.

Note: Teams cannot be assigned as the owners of roadmaps, roadmap items, or fields at this time due to permissions limitations. If you are looking to share this content with the team, please refer to our article on Managing Roadmap Ownership & Access.

Viewing Team Members from Roadmaps

Once shared with a team, other Admins, Collaborators, and Reviewers can view which members belong to a specific team without having to navigate to or request permissions for the Teams tab in Account Settings. To view a list of team members who have been shared on your roadmaps, users can complete the following steps to open the Sharing Settings & Team Information windows:

  1. From the roadmap that you're looking to share, click into the Sharing Settings menu in the top right corner.

  2. In the Sharing Settings modal that appears, navigate to the Teams section of the Users and Teams with Access list.

  3. Click into the team you'd like to view the Team Information window, which displays a quick reference list of all users who have been assigned to that specific team. 

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