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Exporting Project Expenses

You can export project expenses to a .CSV file and later import the file into a third-party software for reporting and analysis. All expense data and recurrence settings are included in the exported data. For a recurring expense, a separate row is added in the exported file for each occurrence of the expense.

Export Expenses

  1. Select a Financial Manager project.

  2. Click the Expenses tab in the upper-right corner.

    The project expenses are visualized by category and displayed in a table.

  3. Click the Export to CSV button. This will export the expenses data to a .CSV file and will send the file to your computer.

  4. Open the .CSV file. Exported files are titled as follows:

    'Expenses for <project name>_<exported date>.csv'

    For example, Expenses for Lunar Lab app_2022-07-19.csv

  5. Scroll across the columns in the .CSV file. These include:

Column Name


Expense ID

The unique Expense ID given for each expense.

Tempo Project

The name of the Tempo Project that this exported expense report is generated for.

Tempo Project ID

The unique Tempo Project ID.


The description given for the expense.


The expense category.


The currency code.


The cost of the expense.


The occurrence date for the expense.

Account Name

The Tempo Account Name associated with the expense.

Account Key

The Account Key associated with the expense.

Account Category

The category of the account defined for this expense.

Account Category Type

The Account Category Type of this expense.

This can be Billable, Capitalized (CAPEX), Operational (OPEX), or Internal.

Account Status

The status of the associated account.

This can be Open, Closed or Archived.

Customer Name

The customer name associated with this expense.

Customer Key

The unique customer key.

Recurrence Type

The recurrence setting and type of recurrence.

This can be Monthly or No Recurrence.

Recurrence Count

The count of recurring months.

This expense is set to recur this number of months.

Recurrence End Date

The end date for the recurrence, if the end date is set.

Recurrence Interval

If the Monthly Recurrence Type is configured, this represents the number of months between occurrences. For example, every 3 months.

Recurrence Monthly By

This can be DAY_OF_MONTH or DAY_OF_WEEK if the Recurrence Type is set to Monthly, otherwise it is blank.

  • DAY_OF_MONTH indicates on which day of the month should the expense recur. For example, 3rd of the month.

  • DAY_OF_WEEK indicates on which day of the week that the monthly expense should recur. For example, the 2nd Tuesday of the Month.

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