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Disabling the Jira Log Work Module

Disabling the Jira Log Work module requires the Jira System Administrator permission.

When Tempo Timesheets is installed and you disable the native Jira Log Work module, users can no longer edit worklogs with it in Jira. Instead, users can edit their worklogs in the Tempo Log Time dialog. 

It's recommended to disable the Jira Log Work module so that Tempo worklog data is is not disrupted or impacted. As well, the Jira module doesn't restrict who can see other users' worklogs, as you can do with the Tempo permissions.

To disable the Jira Log Work module:

  1. On the Jira Administration menu, select Add-ons.

  2. Select Manage apps.

  3. Select System from the User-installed list at top.

  4. Expand the modules in Issue Operation Plugin.

  5. Disable the View Issue Ops Bar Work Link module

With this module disabled, the Log Time item in the Issue Action list is not displayed. The "plus" icon in the Time Tracking field opens the Tempo Log Time dialog.


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