Cancellation Policies & Processes
This feature is only available to Account Administrators.
The summaries below provide details on both the cancellation timing and expected notifications of pending renewal for both Annual and Monthly accounts. Please note that if your team requires an immediate cancellation, this can be arranged by following up to the confirmation ticket generated for your cancellation.
Annual Subscription - Cancellation of an account on an annual subscription will become effective at the end of the billing term. Annual accounts will receive renewal notices 90-days and 7-days prior to the end of their billing period to remind them of the upcoming renewal.
Monthly Subscription - Cancellation of an account on a monthly subscription will become effective at the end of the billing term. Monthly accounts will receive a renewal notice 7-days prior to the end of their billing period to remind them of the upcoming renewal.
If you are the account admin on a Trial, Starter, or Business account and would like to cancel your Strategic Roadmaps subscription, this can be done at any time by selecting the Cancel button (highlighted below), located in the Billing tab of the Account Settings dashboard.

Only Account Administrators are able to request account cancellations at this time - for non-admins or off-account users looking to request cancellations, please feel free to reach out to Tempo Support.
Users can also request removal under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by either clicking here, contacting Tempo Support directly, or expressing their intent following a cancellation form submission