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Cost Tracker by Tempo

To install Cost Tracker, you must have the Jira administrator permission.

To work with Cost Tracker, you must have Timesheets installed and have the Tempo Cost Tracker Access global permission.

Cost Tracker leverages the power of Tempo Timesheets to deliver a financial overview so you can track costs to assess and monitor the financial health of a project defined with a single Jira filter. It integrates seamlessly with Tempo Timesheets. When installed, the Cost Tracker icon is added to the Tempo sidebar. You can learn about Cost Tracker in the Tempo Help Center.

Cost Tracker.jpg

To access and install the app:

  1. Select Apps in the Tempo sidebar.

  2. In the Cost Tracker for Tempo Timesheets tile, click Install. You are redirected to the Atlassian Marketplace to download a free trial or to purchase it immediately.

    install cost tracker.jpg

  3. When installed, Cost Tracker is added to the Installed section of the Tempo Apps home page.

    install confirmation - cost tracker.jpg

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