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Release Notes - June 2020

Monday, June 29 - Tuesday, June 30

  • For new trial accounts, selecting the “Start from scratch” option now brings you to the correct visualization (either Swimlane or Timeline, depending on what you choose) instead of the All Data table. 

  • We’ve updated our sharing settings so that Viewers with a Collaborator license can now duplicate roadmaps when the proper permissions are enabled. 

  • We increased the width of the “Select source views” panel for Portfolio Roadmaps, so now you’ll be able to see more characters on the names of views for easier selecting. 

  • You want Jira sync improvements? You got ‘em. We made updates so that if the owner of a Jira-enabled roadmap is deleted, syncing becomes suspended. (And don’t worry—Account Admins and users with edit permissions can still edit the integrated roadmap.)

  • Shortened headers are now a thing of the past. Thanks to an update, whenever you choose a header from the “Add Header” dropdown in the Swimlane visualization, it will now appear to the left of the page instead of as a truncated header at the bottom of the page. (See the “Status” axis label in the example below for the corrected version.)

  • We fixed an issue within Timeline and Swimlane visualizations that was causing newly created field headers from the “Use Existing Field” dropdown to update incorrectly.

Monday, June 22 - Friday, June 26

  • We launched our new custom weighted scoring feature! Now you can now prioritize your idea backlog using your product team’s preferred weighted scoring method.

  • If you saw an error notification when creating a new field, yet the field still appeared on your roadmap, we made changes to make sure the error message no longer shows up.

  • We updated the Settings image on roadmaps from an arrow to a gear icon to offer a more consistent UI across the platform.

  • We fixed a bug that was causing some roadmap creators to receive a notification telling them they’d been shared on the roadmap they themselves had already created.

  • The “New” button on the All Fields module (including Account, Roadmap, and Archived Fields) was removed to avoid confusion about what actions you can take within the module.

  • We added a helpful tooltip to give you more clarity when the header capacity of 25 field values is surpassed.

  • If you enable Hide Empty Headers, we’ve made some changes so that headers without items will still be hidden regardless of any adjustments made to the date preferences.

Monday, June 15 - Friday, June 19

  • If you use label suffix for showing additional info on your views, we've cleaned things up for you. Now items without a value assigned will simply not show a label suffix, instead of the redundant "No Value" that was previously showing.

Monday, June 8 - Friday, June 12

  • We made updates to ensure email notifications are correctly sent to users going forward, improving overall reliability and eliminating duplicate notifications in the process.

  • After some users experienced Jira sync issues that resulted in missing externalIDs, we added a second Jira API sync that fixed the issue and synced the rest of the missing IDs. 

  • We fixed a bug that caused pagination controls to be hidden when scrolling horizontally in the Items Table. Now, pagination controls are pinned to the center, making it easy to navigate between pages on the Items Table.

Monday, June 1 - Friday, June 5

  • We fixed a bug that was causing roadmap links clicked within email notifications to open up the main roadmaps page instead of the item where the @-mention was made. 

  • For users with the Jira integration enabled, Progress Fields (specifically “Progress by Story Points” and “Progress by Issue Count”) no longer show up as deleted under the “Fields to Sync” section in the Jira setup. Instead, you’ll only see them appear in the “Epic to Progress Sync” section (like in the example below). 

  • We fixed an issue where an “error saving” message would show prematurely before the item was even created.

  • We updated our in-app messaging so that users who aren’t Owners of Portfolio Roadmaps can see why they're unable to set filters within the roadmap.

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