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Release Notes - December 2019

New Features

  • Introduced Account and Roadmap Fields to help declutter fields on a Roadmunk account. Account Fields are available for all Collaborators to use versus one time fields that only live on a single roadmap.

  • The Jira Integration now supports the ability to automatically update Item Progress on a Roadmap based on Epic Progress in Jira


  • Opening Roadmaps and Field Cards now only requires a single click instead of a double click

  • Improved scheduled roadmap publish performance and stability

  • Improved Jira sync performance

  • Added Header field values to Swimlane sub-item tooltips

  • Newly invited users to a Roadmunk account are no longer forced to create a new Roadmap during the initial login flow

  • Improved Portfolio Roadmap load times

  • Changed the name of the former "Measure By" feature to "Item Progress" on the Format panel

  • Removed the 365 day limitation for Items with Dependencies

Bugs Squashed

  • Fixed an issue where some users were receiving an "Cannot read property 'view' of undefined" when attempting to add fields from the Item Card

  • Fixed an issue where all Account Fields were erroneously available for selection as Headers and Sub-Headers

  • Fixed an issue where Item Progress was not displaying on Swimlane visualizations

  • Fixed an issue where certain edits to a field would not persist

  • Fixed an issue where decimals could not be used in numeric fields where the value < 1

  • Fixed an issue where some users could not upload a Company Logo for use on their published roadmaps

  • Fixed an issue where the Date field was not appearing as an option in the Format panel dropdowns

  • Fixed an issue where if a date change is blocked by a Dependency, there was no error message and the date would not revert back to original value

  • Fixed an issue where the Field Type selection dropdown was blank and uneditable when attempting to create a new Field

  • Fixed an issue where hitting Enter on the Table View was not creating a new Item

  • Fixed an issue where moving both Items in a Dependency relationship at the same time could violate the Dependency conditions

  • Fixed an issue where deleting a Key Date that was part of an existing Dependency relationship would not show an error message

  • Fixed an issue where Date Headers were duplicated on the Timeline View

  • Fixed an issue were some users were receiving an "Cannot read property 'dataset' of undefined" error on login

  • Fixed an issue where "Infinity" would appear in numeric fields if you typed a long enough number

  • Fixed an issue where some users were unable to add existing fields to a roadmap on the Table View

  • Fixed an issue where the Save prompt would appear when attempting to close the Item Card when no changes were made

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