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Enabling Legacy Features in Tempo Capacity Planner

The legacy features are NOT available in Tempo Capacity Planner 7.0 and higher.

If you want to use Legacy Features for Tempo Capacity Planner for Server, they are still available, but these features will eventually be removed. 

Enabling Legacy Features

To enable legacy features, you require Tempo Administrator permissions:

  1. Click Jira settings at the top-right, and then select Add-ons.

  2. Under Tempo in the sidebar at the left, select Legacy Features.

  3. Select the legacy features you want to enable:

    1. Team Backlog

    2. Team Board

    3. Team Projects Timeline

    4. Program Projects Timeline

    5. Program Teams Timeline

    6. Ability to plan on sprints (Sprint plan type)

Accessing Legacy Features

To access legacy features in Tempo Capacity Planner, you don't need any special permissions. The features available are the ones that were enabled in Add-ons > Legacy Features:

  1. Select Planning in the Tempo sidebar.

  2. Click the ellipses (...) at the top-right.

  3. Select the legacy feature you wish to enable.

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