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Aligned Priorities (Video)

Address project risks and manage your team and resources with a system that orders your Projects, Tasks and Assignments using structured prioritization.


Let’s start by understanding how workspace hierarchy influences schedule priority.

We're here in the Portfolio View where you plan and prioritize your work so LiquidPlanner can predict the schedule.

Access this view by clicking Projects in the left side navigation.

LiquidPlanner has four levels of hierarchy.

  1. Packages   2) Projects   3) Tasks    4) Assignments 

Order is important at each level. The schedule is calculated based on the order items are listed, from top to bottom.

Priority order ensures that people work on the right things at the right time. 

Packages drive priority for the entire portfolio.

Every workspace starts out with three packages.

Put your highest priority projects in the first package. Use the other packages for work that’s coming later and for anything that should only be taken on after higher priority work subsides. 

Customize, and add packages to reflect your organization's priorities.

Prioritize projects within a package, setting the most important projects at the top of the list.

Remember, order is important - it tells the scheduling engine what to calculate first.

Alerts show what needs attention. Prioritize to schedule work earlier and meet your deadlines.

Packages, Projects, Tasks and Assignments can all be prioritized with a simple drag and drop action.

Changing priorities updates the schedule in real time.

Open Project View to see task priorities and scheduling. Tasks should also be in priority order.

Use the check boxes to prioritize more than one at a time.

If a task needs to start earlier, give it a boost with ASAP Scheduling and elevate it to the highest schedule priority for a Project, a Package, or the Workspace. The schedule updates automatically and the ASAP tag lets everyone know the task's priority.

Having work in priority order keeps everyone on the same page, creating a better environment for your team to execute their work.

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