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Tempo Timesheets 8.1.0

Important before you upgrade Tempo Timesheets from version 7.x.x to 8.x.x

  • The installation of Tempo Timesheets takes longer than usual because of data migration so you might want to upgrade outside of office hours.
  • Data might be lost if you downgrade to an earlier version after you upgrade Tempo Timesheets from version 7.x.x to version 8.x.x or later.

On this page

User permissions change between Tempo Timesheets 8.0 and 8.1

When you upgrade Tempo Timesheets to version 8.1.0, some Tempo permissions change to Jira permissions.

Effects of the changes

  • During the upgrade process, some Tempo permissions that your Jira users have, migrate automatically to Jira permissions.
  • Other Tempo permissions that your Jira users have might require you to prepare your old version of Tempo Timesheets so that the permissions migrate smoothly.
  • After the upgrade, Tempo Timesheets might become available for use by more Jira users in your organization.

Which permissions change?

The following table explains which permissions change:

Before the upgradeAfter the upgradeAutomatic migration of users' permissions
Configuration location

Old permission

Configuration locationNew permission

 > Add-ons > TEMPO Tempo Permissions

Tempo Administrator permission

 > System > SECURITY Global Permissions 

Tempo Administrators permission
Tempo Team Manager permissionTempo Team Administrators permission

Tempo Account Manager permission

Tempo Account Administrators permission
Tempo Rate Manager permissionTempo Rate Administrators permission
Tempo Time Tracking permission

Projects > View All Projects > project name > Project Administration> Permissions > Time Tracking Permissions

Work On Issues permissionYes

Before the upgrade, only users who had Tempo Time Tracking permission could access and use Tempo Timesheets.

After the upgrade, all Jira users who have Work On Issues permission for at least one project can access and use Tempo Timesheets. The following options are displayed for all of those users:

  • Tempo option on the Jira main menu bar
  • Timesheets and Tracker options in the Tempo menu
Role to view project worklogsView All Worklogs permissionSee notes

Before the upgrade, the permission to view all worklogs for a project was granted to users who had a specified project role.

Also, users who had Approve Timesheet permission for a team could see all worklogs of team members.

After the upgrade, only users who were in the role to view project worklogs, automatically have the new View All Worklogs permission. Approve Timesheet permission is no longer sufficient to see the worklogs of team members.

 > Add-ons > TEMPO Global Configuration

User with Approve Timesheet permission can log work for team members

Log Work for Others permissionSee notes

After the upgrade, users and groups who had the project role to view project worklogs, now have permission to log work for others on issues in the project.

Approve Timesheet permission no longer gives users permission to log work for other users.

Enable Time Planning

 > Add-ons > TEMPO Global Configuration

Users with Plan Time permission for a team can plan time for team members in Tempo TimesheetsNo

To plan time for team members in Tempo Timesheets, the following permission is required:

Before the upgrade: Approve Timesheet permission for a team

After the upgrade: Plan Time permission for a team

 > Add-ons > TEMPO Tempo Permissions

Button for adding default members of a project role to all existing projects

In Jira, you can specify default users or groups for a project role so that, when you create a new project, those users or groups are automatically granted the role in the project.

Before the upgrade, Tempo Timesheets included a button to quickly grant those users or groups the role also in all existing projects.

After the upgrade, this button is not available.

Actions before you upgrade

Required permission

Jira Administrator permission


Before you upgrade Tempo Timesheets to version 8.1.0, complete the following steps:

  1. If some users require permission to log work for other users, prepare your old version of Tempo Timesheets for migration of your users' permissions by completing the following steps:

    Click here to expand instructions
    1. Ensure that all users who have Approve Timesheet permission also have the permission to log work for team members, by completing the following steps:

      1. On the main menu bar, click the administration cogwheel 
         > Add-ons.
      2. On the Administration page, in the left column, in the TEMPO section, click Global Configuration.
      3. On the Global Configuration page, ensure that the following checkbox is selected: User with Approve Timesheet Permission can log work for team members.
    2. Give users who require permission to log work for other users on issues in a project, the project role to view project worklogs, by completing the following steps:

      1. View which role is set as the role to view project worklogs by completing the following steps:

        1. On the Administration page, in the left column, in the TEMPO section, click Tempo Permissions.
        2. On the Tempo Permissions page, view which role is selected in the Role to view project worklogs field.
      2. For each project, complete the following steps:

        1. On the main menu bar, click the administration cogwheel 
           > Projects.
        2. From the project list, click the name of the project.
        3. On the project's administration page, in the left column, click Roles.
        4. On the Roles page, add users or groups of users who require permission to log work on behalf of other users, to the project role that you viewed in step (2-a-ii) above.

          After the upgrade, these users will automatically have permission to log work for others on issues that belong to the project.

          If some users require permission to log work for other users, prepare your old version of Tempo Timesheets for migration of your users' permissions by completing the following steps:

  2. If you have default users or groups for a project role and you want to grant those users or groups that same role in all existing projects, do so before you upgrade Tempo Timesheets to version 8.1.0. See Adding default members to existing projects.
  3. If some of your Jira users have Work On Issues permission for a project but do not have access to Tempo Timesheets, inform them that they will have access to, and can use, Tempo Timesheets after the upgrade.

Actions after you upgrade

Required permission

Jira Administrator permission


  1. After you upgrade Tempo Timesheets to version 8.1.0, grant View All Worklogs permission to users who have Approve Timesheet permission in any team. Grant the View All Worklogs permission to these users for the projects that are linked to their team or teams.      
  2. If some users require permission to plan time for members of a team, complete the following steps:
    1. Ensure that the following check box is selected in Tempo Global Configuration: 'Users with Plan Time permission for a team can plan time for team members in Tempo Timesheets.'
    2. Ask Team Leads or a Tempo Team Administrator to grant Plan Time permission to any users who require permission to plan time for team members.
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