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Managing Access to Timesheets and Planner

When Tempo Timesheets for Server/DC and Tempo Planner for Server/DC are installed, everyone with access to your Jira site (application access) is granted access to them by defaultEveryone can perform tasks and interact with Tempo according to their permissions and can access:

  • The Tempo menu and sidebar 

  • Tempo Gadgets

  • Tempo features in the Jira issue view

If you wish to grant access to a new group or deny access to Tempo or to Tempo data for any specific users or groups who have access to your Jira site, you can do so using the Tempo Timesheets Access and Tempo Planner Access permissions. 


  • Because Tempo Teams and Tempo Accounts are core to both Tempo Timesheets and Tempo Planner, you must modify the access permissions for both Tempo Timesheets and Tempo Planner, even if you only have one of the products installed. This ensures that all Tempo data remains private.

  • Users or groups denied access will not see that Tempo is installed on your site, but note that developers with permission to access your Tempo data are not affected.

  • This permission does not restrict developers from using the Tempo REST APIs according to their permissions.

To grant or deny access to Tempo Timesheets for Server and Tempo Planner for Server you must have the Jira Administrator permission.

To grant access to a group:

  1. Click Jira settings :settings_dc:  at the top-right, and then select System.

  2. Under Security in the sidebar at the left, select Global permissions.

  3. In the Add Permission section at the bottom of the page, select Tempo Timesheets Access.

  4. In the Group drop-down list, select the group to which you want to grant the permission.

  5. Click Add.

To deny access to a group or users:

  • Edit a default group to remove members from the group. You cannot delete default groups.

  • Delete the group.

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